in life •  7 years ago 

Does anyone ever truly live a happy life? Can happiness be pursued and attained? Or are we continuously chasing a myriad, an illusion, something that is always going to be a little beyond our reach?

These are some of the few questions that ran through my mind as I went to work this morning. I am hoping that fellow steemians with great minds can help me answer some of these questions. Happiness is said to be a feeling arising from a consciousness of well being or of enjoyment; enjoying good of any kind, such as comfort, peace or tranquility. In my experience, it usually occurs intermittently, and in between, you will find sorrow and pain. A good friend once told me that sorrow is necessary in our lives so we can recognize and appreciate happiness when we finally encounter it. But are we ever truly happy? Let's say you bought a car you have always wanted. So of course you will feel happy for the next month or maybe two. But eventually, the happiness seem to wear off and you just return to your former mood.

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Nathaniel Hawthorne ( was an American novelist, dark romantic, and short story writer) once noted:  

Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. 

In his view, happiness is something that comes to us and not something we should pursue. While this may make sense, I still believe that, in order to have something, we must make efforts towards it. Just maybe it is up to us to work towards our own happiness. For all you know, happiness is just a mind set, something you can decide to be.

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BY @osmansnr from #steemitghana.

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The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) has upvoted you with divine emanations of G-ds creation itself ex nihilo. We reveal Light by transforming our Desire to Receive for Ourselves to a Desire to Receive for Others. I am part of the Curators Guild (Sephiroth), through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals Itself!

I think happiness is a mindset and resides deep inside of us. We choose what we should be happy about. Whiles some think they need extreme wealth before they can be happy, others are content with whatever they have and decide to be happy for it.

@nigtroy, so basically, you are saying happiness is a choice.

Hi Osmansnr!
I completely agree. Everyone wants to be happy and experience the best things in the world but it's the journey that matters the most. Yes. The happiness lies in the journey but we rarely observe what change we go through when we experience the change. We just change and never think about what and how a specific change has happened. A keen observation can definitely lead to people realise happiness earlier in the journey after all. And not just that majority of the happiness is killed by what we call is worry. Whenever we tend to follow a path that is not completely known (which happens in most cases), we start worrying and then doubting ourselves which in turn again kills the happiness. We start underestimating ourselves and the potential we carry. There's a thin difference between happiness and success though which I would definitely like to highlight here.
Happiness is being content with the feeling that we get when we want something and visualise having it, whereas achieving it is called success.

Upvoted! :)
Keep up the great work.

Ok, I agree with most of your submission, but just one more thing. You indicated that happiness is killed by worry. But do you think people chose to worry, or it's just something that happens out of our control?
Also, with regards to your highlighted portion, Are you suggesting that happiness comes before success?
Thanks for passing by, I would like to know your thoughts on these.

No. People do not chose to worry but they are trained to worry since the their childhood. They start fearing things since the very beginning. A person can train his mind the way he/she wants. It just needs constant discipline of working on one's mindset. As the law of attraction says, thoughts are things. So, it needs constant feeding of mind with the required thoughts and actions around. And of course, it needs a change in the people we associate with.

And yes! True happiness is the state of contentment and it doesn't require success to be achieved at the first hand. It can be felt in the little things that matter while one is on the journey. Today when I think about all the challenges that I have faced personally in my journey, I get a feeling that today is just a peaceful feeling but I have missed living in the moment while pursuing what I was aiming at. And knowing that from the past, I don't let any moment pass just like that anymore and try to make the most out of it.

Thanks a lot for the clarification. I think I see your point clearly now.

Glad that you got my perspective.
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