Wonders of Russia

in life •  9 years ago 

Lake Baikal, Buryatia
Located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia, Lake Baikal is in a kind of stone bowl, surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges and hills. The lake stretches for 620 kilometers in length in the form of a giant crescent, its average width is 48 kilometers, and the average depth of 700 meters rolled over. The area of ​​water surface of the lake with an area comparable countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands or Denmark. Scientists estimate that the people of the whole earth would be able to live on Baikal freshwater reserves for about 40 years, and Russia, he is able to supply drinking water to a thousand years. 336 rivers and streams flow into the lake, and flows out of it, only one - the Angara. According to legend, Lake Baikal has 336 sons, who are as a tribute to his father, jet, and one daughter - beauty Angara, in love with the Yenisei. Daughter makes water his beloved father, for that Baikal cursed her and threw her in a huge piece of rock. This rock - Shaman rock - is at the source of the Angara.

The Valley of Geysers, Kamchatka Krai
The Valley of Geysers is hidden in one of the volcanic canyons of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve, you can reach it only by helicopter. 250 kilometers of the road over the tundra, mountain ranges, mountains, taiga and Glens acidic lakes - and the person falls into a world filled with fountains swirling vapors, with light smell of sulfur and rain splash, iridescent colors of the rainbow. Walking through the pedestrian path with wooden decks, you can watch 30 large geysers and many small sources emitting tens of meters up jets of boiling water (+95 ° C). Preserved and hot mud pots. Because of the well-heated soil slopes of the valley are covered with lush green grass and trees. At the bottom of the gorge the river flows Geyser, which never freezes.

Pillars of weathering, Komi
The top of the mountain Man-Pupu-nёr crowned with remnants of bizarre shapes. These giant poles in height from 30 to 42 meters were created over 200 million years by water and wind. According to legend, the giants were the pillars that would destroy the local people - Mansi. But as soon as their leader, the shaman saw the sacred mountain - Man-Pupu-nёr, then horrified threw his tambourine and his companions turned to stone idols.

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