And it came to pass...

in life •  7 years ago 

Seeing this picture from a WhatsApp I remembered what we use to hear growing up especially when we quarrel with other siblings or close friends. We repeated hear that the teeth and tongue who stay together always have fights BUT they always remain pals. 

After this animals share a meal together, they will pick on themselves and become enemies again. The dog may pick on all the animals; intimidate the cat, eat up the chicken and destroy the goat BUT yet they seem United eating from a tray.

In life there are people you 'eat' with who are bent on pulling you down or making life miserable for you. Before you and others, they can share a meal with you BUT alone, you are the meal they want to eat. 

Be careful of people who are willing to show their support for you in the open where there is a meal to share and are quick to draw the sword against you when there is nothing

But at the end, even the teeth and tongue stay together so even when we argue and fight, let us NOT forget that we belong together.

 If a cat, a dog, a goat and a hen can share a meal together, why can't we?

I am @outhori5ed 

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True words.. In the end, we realize we fought our trivial issues and life is so much fun when sharing with others becomes a priority..

True. Thank you @outhori5ed this is very inspiring.

some times we may mean good for ourselves, but our disgusting attitudes could make our friends turn against us as enemies. A street Dog would never eat a street chicken, unless its a mad Dog.
notwithstanding you have spoken well.