Are we living in the matrix?

in life •  8 years ago 

Are we living in the Matrix? - Simulation hypothesis

Have you ever wondered if we are all living inside a computer, you might be on to something! I am convinced this "Simulation hypothesis" as they call it, has real merit and with real physics experiments to back it up. So if you want to learn more, let's get started:

Zooming down

When we take photos and look at the picture within some photo editor we can zoom in and zoom in until we get to a certain point where it's just one pixel. This is similar in the real world where we can look at something under an electron microscope and zoom down to atom level.

Double Slit Experiment

Here is where it get real interesting... there is this physics experiment called the "Double Slit Experiment" that basically fires Electrons (tiny piece of matter) at a plate with two slits in it. Behind that plate, it catches the electrons and it generates a wave pattern of electrons.

Physicists were baffled at the results because they were expecting a different pattern (just 2 straight lines), so they added some observational equipment and then pattern changed to two lines. WHOOOAAAA... The simple act of observing electrons changed the electron behavior

Below is a great video explaining this phenomenon in easy to understand detail.

Knowing this fact, the question "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" starts to become a very interesting question.

Error correcting code

You might have heard of a transmission protocol called TCP/IP, it's the fundamental transmission protocol that the internet run's on. So everything we see on our internet browsers are being delivered using this transmission protocol. When information is being sent from a server to your internet browser, the data delivered will have some flaws in the transmission due to noise or interference. However when the transmission is being sent, it will include with some error correcting codes that will ensure that the data was sent correctly, if not it will automatically be resent to insure flawless data transmission.

Dr. James Gates has been studying string theory for a while and he discovered these same error correcting codes in his deep research of string theory. String theory explained here:

This video explains how string theory contains computer code:

Video Games

Video games only render graphics when you are observing/interacting with a particular part of the game. The computer does not generate every point of view of every part of the game world, it would be incredible resource intensive to do so.


These electrons are behaving very similar fashion as a video game. They both can go down to a very small object (pixel vs electron). Electrons behave differently when observed similarly to video games only generating what you are looking at.

It's like the super computer we are all living in is trying to save resources and only behave properly when observed. If these electrons are behaving this way, and they are the building blocks of life, is it such a stretch that everything we observe is being generated by a simulation? The error correcting codes that Dr. James Gates found seems to confirm that the simulation computer is ensuring that we are seeing flawless data.

Questions to think about

  • Can we remove these error correcting codes and observe flaws in our simulation?
  • Do we have a digital god(s) watching us?
  • Are there millions of other simulations going on?
  • What are they trying to learn from these simulations?
  • Comment below, I would love to hear your opinion on all this

    #simulation #hypothesis #sciencefiction #matrix #life

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    I think that it would be impossible for us to know either way. However statistically speaking, the probability that at a given time in the future, sufficient computing exists such that simulating humanity in its entirety is possible within a computer system. This computer system in that far future would be no more power than the equivalent phone , so , it wouldn't be difficult to have many simulations. It stands to reason that there exists only one true world, and the rest are all simulations. We can also theorize that simulations can exist within simulations making the probability even more that we are living in a sim.

    My thought on this is so what if we are. Doesn't change any of my life goals. Cancer will still hurt, sex will still feel good, my relationships with other humans will not change in value. And I still want to become wealthy.

    Science confirms it; we are 99.9999% empty space. My hand cannot pass through the wall because the electrons are vibrating at such frequency to prevent it. Solidity originates in the mind, reality is inside our head and we are inside this reality.

    Morpheus to Neo: What is real?

    When a tree falls in woods, does it make a sound if there's no one around to hear it?
    Air compression waves yes but without a mind to receive and convert to an electrical signal in the mind?

    The rabbit hole is more of an electric wormhole