Difference between a good photo and a bad one: Focus

in life •  7 years ago 

...Its all about Depth...

When I take lunch, sometimes I break away from the sedentary lifestyle that plagues most white collar workers and take a walk around the building. It wasn't until I'd worked there for a year, that I realized that the irrigation system for the grounds of the building had a neglected pressure imbalance that blows off the sprinkler heads on a routine basis. Of course, the contractors that maintain this system are perfectly content with replacing the heads instead of fixing the underlying problem because its "good enough for government work" but without their neglegance, I would've never had the opportunity to take these photos.

Walking along the edge of the flood reservoir, I spotted this pond at the very bottom being trickle fed by the broken sprinkler. The rock in the middle was 10 times bigger than any rocks within a 10 foot radius and almost looks like it was placed there. Without it, my mind might never have imagined a lizard resting on it, intently gazing at the pond for potential prey. Despite the absent lizard, the broken sprinkler head did indeed give birth to a whole micro-ecosystem and capturing on a scale similar to a bug's was the only way to do it justice.

The photo above is with the focal point completely centered on the tuft of the weed.
The photo below is with the focal point centered on the rock.
Its amazing how the right focus can create a sense of depth that changes the whole photo.

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