
in life •  7 years ago 

In your eyes still preserved flight: events
The collision and the dashes in your forehead
You seem old and weary, sweat pouring torrents
but you're still doggedly ...
Even though your last breath at times choked up
Bear the burden of more loaded
You still remain
You have to understand this way of black and Red
Thy cheek bones shrunken image of the struggle
Thy shoulders the once burly, Sun-burned Jet
Now thin and stooped ...
But the passion never fade
Despite sending the occasional shaking
You remain faithful
In the silence of my lonely longing
The rice harvest to ours
But the longing of living only longing
Your son now many bear the brunt
You have to understand this way of black and Red
Thy cheek bones shrunken image of the struggle
Thy shoulders the once burly, Sun-burned Jet
Now thin and ter been bent ...
But the passion never fade
Despite sending the occasional shaking
You remain faithful

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Keep doing good work.

yeah i will try
thank's @souldelas

This is beautiful

thank's very much @queenginika12

love your content

thank's very much for you attenttion my posting @kengtong

Good Post

thank's for u attenttion my posting @patricksanlin