in life •  7 years ago 

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The Yorubas are a very dynamic and superstitious tribe and while some of their beliefs can be traced to good intentions, some others are just for fun/to keep in check.

Enjoy some of our beliefs..while you laugh at some, take some time to see the positives in the ancient beliefs.

  1. Do not look at the mirror at night
    Has it ever happened to you? You try to check yourself in the mirror at night and you see them (lol) by them, i mean ghost. Well, the yorubas belief that if you look too much in the mirror at night, you'll see things difficult for the eyes to bear.


  1. When sleeping, nobody should cross over you
    It's funny but the yorubas believe that if someone crosses over you, your offsprings will be like that person. Unless the person crosses you back.

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  1. Pregnant women must attach safety pins to their dresses

    So as the name implies, safety. The yorubas believe that if a woman does not do this, she is inviting evil spirits to dwell in her child.........no wonder we have many bad children around (lol)

  2. It is wrong to put up an umbrella when it is not raining

All of you that like trolling, don't try this with the God of rain..except you want a great rainstorm on your wedding day....i did not say this, the yoruba culture did.

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  1. Don't whistle at night

    Yes....they believe you invite snakes and other reptiles by whistling at night.. I once saw a dinosaur when i whistled at night. So it has to be true (lol)


All images were gotten from the internet

#proudly yoruba

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Haha.. We also belief in some of the superstitious beliefs mentioned

Funny believe and culture....

A strong and rooted Christian don't believe in such things

The Yoruba culture is unique no doubt.


I can't stop laughing. I have my own superstitious belief to share too. Although I don't believe in superstitious belief, they form an integral part of our African existence and history today.

However, they should not be relied upon.

When you look through in-between you legs at night, you will see ghosts.


Nice one bro