Recycled plastic coins as a currency.

in life •  7 years ago 

Garbage disappears in the garbage truck?

I was born in The Netherlands, a developed western country, where we try to separate our garbage. Glass, compost, paper and plastic. Even though we separate our garbage, most people don´t know what happens with the garbage after it got picked up by the garbage truck. Your positive mind tells yourself that somebody will make your garbage disappear without any trace or impact on the environment. Wrong!

It is good we separate our garbage, don´t understand me wrong. But still we have to accept the fact that not all plastics are recyclable. From the plastics that are recyclable only a small percentage (10-15%) does get recycled and a high percentage (~75%) ends up to be land fill waste, which takes around 500 years to be decomposed.

At the moment I am living in Manzanillo, Mexico a city at the coast. After living here for more than 3 years I have noticed the ignorance of the population concerning plastic usage and waste removal, which is one of the reasons to write this informative blog.

Luckily there are some initiatives on its way, such as this project:

About Precious Plastic.

Precious plastic tries to provide you with the information to produce 4 machines that can shred, press, extrude and inject plastic. Making new products from your recycled plastic. Basically your own plastic local workshop. An initiative that has been going over the world. One of my friend just started creating the shredder and reported to me that the costs are very low and if you tell your ideas to a factory they are often willing to help you for free. Great!

Some plastic facts and figures:

  1. The plastic waste that is thrown away into seas every year can kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures.
  2. Between 2004 and 2014, the global production of plastics grew from 225 million tons to 311 million tons.
  3. 1,000–2,000 gallons of gasoline can be saved by recycling just one ton of plastics.
    More can be found here:

I am a sea lover, generally spending over 12 hours a week in the sea, playing with the waves. I can´t tell anymore how many times I saw plastic floating around. Sometimes too much to bring out of the sea in one go.

Plastic in products.

I like the fact that people start to look into different aspects of products, being more aware of environmental (non)friendly materials. This doesn´t only count for the buyers but also for the producers. Globar awareness. Within a western community we are often privileged with enough budget to buy certain products that makes our lives a bit easier. Still many people try not to spend more than needed, this however often has consequences that cannot be seen in first instance.we don´t think or care much about. Products can still look the same, while one product is made with different materials and made by a different production method.

Recycled plastic as a currency.

In North Amsterdam a community has stand up and tried to find a solution; a combination or recycling and a supporting the local businesses. A plastic coin that acts as a valid currency. The neighborhood is turning plastic thrash into a coin that acts as a coupon for local businesses. Giving discount and services.
This might not work for each community, however certainly a good initiative to reduce our plastic waste.
Since 2015 more than 16.6 Tons of plastic rubbish has been collected.

I hope most of the information in this blog was already known. Most people know the impact of plastic waste, however we start to forget or turn a blind eye over time. If enough people start to remind us, we might be able to create a difference. Also please remember, nobody is perfect, we all use plastic, but please think before buying a product and while taking your groceries, try to carry your products in your hands, pockets or backpack, instead of the plastic bags they put it in.

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