5 things Parents do that Sabatoge their Photo Session.

in life •  7 years ago 

I have been a photographer for a few decades. Besides my own business, I have worked for many high volume photography companies. I can not begin to imagine the number of families that I have had the pleasure of meeting, and capturing moments with.

So PLEASE let me help you have a photo session that will bring about beautiful images! Because all photographers want to see on your face at the viewing, is a huge smile.

1). IF YOUR BABY IS SICK, please reschedule your shoot because they can not fake it.

I know this should be obvious!!

I have had parents show up telling me "He has a fever of 102. But you can get him to smile right?"

Or tell me "She is a bit cranky, she just had her shots."

I don't care how good the photographer is, if the child is not feeling well, the images you have dreamed of, will NOT be the ones you get. Don't waste your money.

2.) GETTING INTO AN ARGUMENT on the way to your photo session, can prevent photographers from capturing the your family's BEST SIDE.

Look I know it is stressful, getting everyone ready and in the car with time to spare. Usually those disagreements stem from last minute rushing around to find something you wanted someone to wear.

--So, lay everything out the night before.
--Get in your car earlier than you need to in case of traffic.
--Bring an extra outfit for the kids in case of unexpected spills.

3.) THREATENING YOUR KIDS 99% of the time, does NOT get them to cooperate!

They will usually dig their feet into the ground and be more uncooperative, if you tell them NO CELL PHONE for a week!
Oh wait I like this better, "No more candy ever!"
One dad who brought his daughter in for her 1st birthday pictures, frustrated at her from the moment he arrived, then said, "OK if you don't sit still and smile we are cancelling your birthday party. And I mean it young lady."

I am not making these things up people. Parents please remember the GOAL. To get GREAT IMAGES of your child or family.
Here are some tips.

--Be a bystander and let the photographer try and get the kids smiling.
--Sometimes it's the new surroundings from the studio that makes children feel uncomfortable. A room with white walls and a curtail might feel like the dreaded doctors office.
--Let them play a bit in that space, the photographer can get some candid shots. Those are often the most powerful.
--Ask for a different photographer if there is one available. Kids bond with people in different ways just like adults.
--Maybe little Barry and Gina are happier taking pictures "separately."

On to 4.) A PHONE CALL TO SAY YOU ARE RUNNING AN HOUR LATE does not necessarily secure your photo session.

--Communicate with the studio or photographer in advance about their scheduling.
--Are they booked for the day?
--Is there a grace period for people who are late?
--Ask when you call about being late, how long will the wait be to fit us in?

This way you can decide before you get there whether you want to continue or go back home and reschedule.

Remember KIDS don't WAIT well.

5.) PINTREST /INSTAGRAM expectations.

We live in a world of researchers. The PERFECT PICTURE is simply a click away, if you can find it on social media. "Ah HA! There it is, that is my family." "My daughter has that same outfit and is much prettier. We will recreate that one."

The end product that you are looking at, may or may not be a image that can be recreated.

This one image was taken during a shoot that lasted about an hour and a half.
I spent a bunch of time in post production adding the sun flare, and other elements that gave the image a very ethereal feel to it. That was an extra expense that my clients were happy to pay for.

The lighting, hair,makeup and post production was extensive on this image. All reflected in the final charge to the client.

Bottom line:
--Your favorite pintrest picture may require more time than your limited shoot time.
--Or maybe the image has a style of lighting the studio can not recreate.
--There are numerous variables that go into creating a final image, that you as a consumer may not realize.
--Also, not every photographer or studio does extensive editing in post production. If they do, it's more times than not, an extra fee per picture. (possibly per person)
--Remember Perfect skin is not normally perfect, it's produced.

Most studios and photographers really want to be accommodating, they want you to come back. If you can avoid certain pitfalls, you just might be able to ensure the success of your photo shoot.

I hope this information helps you prepare for your next photo session. Remember if you have to reschedule for any reason, just do it! You will be happier in the long run, and in the end, you will walk away with magical moments to cherish forever.

Have a Great Day

All images are my original images. Except the black and white of my little brother 56 years ago

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