Stopping the negative self critic for a positive 2018!

in life •  7 years ago 

Sometimes its ok to just not be ok, but dwelling in it is no longer an option.
I have dealt my whole life with just not feeling good enough.

I have always felt, I could be thinner, funnier, smarter, fitter and the list goes on.

I know I am not alone in feeling this way… as 2018 approaches I want to change the negative self critic within me. It serves me no purpose, all it does is make me feel very insecure and is totally emotionally draining.

By changing the negative self critism and negative self talk.. I am devising a plan for myself..

  1. Wake up every morning and say a couple of self affirmations in the mirror ( as cheesy as it sounds, I have heard it works!)

  2. Do a little bit of exercise everyday, focusing on enjoyment and not calorie expendeture. I find when im focusing on getting rid of unwanted calories I start to hate what im doing and actually become more obsessive.

  3. As soon as I notice myself going into negative thoughts, change the thought pattern.

  4. Do not self sabotage. If its going to make me feel horrible about myself, I will try not do it… whether its refraining from that extra chocolate, or going to a party I dont want to (and feeling anxious, rather skip it.)

  5. Be kind to myself, if I make a mistake, acknowledge it but do not dwell on it.

  6. Hand it over, every morning. Get on my knees and pray.

  7. Talk to someone close, whether it be my partner,a close friend or a family member about how im feeling. If im being irrational, they will most certainly let me know

  8. Self love: do something for myself that enriches my life, perhaps not everyday but twice a week as that seems like a realistic goal.

  9. Do a gratitude list every evening before bed..

So, I am starting this today.
Because I am enough.

Here is to a positive self view for 2018.


I hope someone gets something out of this, thanks for reading!

Love P

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