Today, again on my way visiting clients

in life •  8 years ago 

The best part of today, was trying to meet a new client. I couldn't reach him by phone, while visiting his house, per email. So I made an appointment with his therapist together. I arrived at her office right on time, waiting and waiting. In the end she phoned me; were I was. So I was confused.. She said: nooo, not my office! We are at his house.. FOK! So, we made a new appointment...

Then I had to hurry to my next appointment. A young woman, sad story. Family died, and stuck with the debts of mother who passed away a couple of months ago (almost 100.000euro). We made some calls, tomorrow we will find out if these debts will continue, or that she can continue her own life. This women is since then, suffering of panic-attacks. I help her to understand panic and how to approach it. She is doing fine, but still, these are difficult times. I just listen, and help were possible.

For tomorrow I planned another new intake. Amazing to see how fast we grow. But we keep continuing our work.

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Great post check out mine if you can !:)

I will! And followed you, so now I can see your posts in my timeline as well ;)

Oh, patience is a virtue! Your story made me laugh.

Thanks! Hahaha, good to hear. And, yes, it is!