What will help the relics

in life •  7 years ago 


Why does Orthodoxy endow the relics of the saints with such a great power? After all, this is the body shell, from which the soul has separated, and we can not touch it. On what is their miracle-working power based? For some reason, we have queues for relics, for example, in Rome, the relics of saints in every church, but there is no such excitement.

God gives the relics of the saints a great power, and Orthodoxy knows about it and teaches that not only the souls of people but also the bodies are resurrected. For us, the remains of our ancestors and the places of their burial are dear, since the souls of the dead have a mysterious connection with their remains (relics).

The saints, who in life received the grace of the Holy Spirit, sanctify their bodies, which, after death, either complete or partial incorruption and grace of the Holy Spirit. Thanks to this, with reverent worship and a touch to the relics of saints, healing takes place and help is given. And the relics of the great saints are also myrrhic, that is, out of them the fragrant oil, mira, is expiring, with the anointing of which healing is performed. This is confirmed by the centuries-old experience of the Orthodox Church.

And Catholics revere the relics of saints: for example, the myrrh-streaming relics of St. Nicholas in Bari, where pilgrims from all over the world travel. And the fact that the Catholics do not have an excitement in relation to the relics, speaks of a weakening of faith in the Roman Catholic Church, in which, after the separation in 1054, and the saints are incomparably less than in the Orthodox Church.

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It's the same idolatry as in the Catholic Church. The relics are all fake too. Amazing how many left index fingers of Peter there are.

Idolatry is rendering to a creature the divine worship (in Greek, "latreia") due to God alone. Orthodox honor, venerate, and show love for the people represented by their images, but they do not give the divine worship due alone to God to the saints or their images or their relics.

Have you ever read about the bones of Elisha in the Scriptures?

Nobody was bowing down and rendering worshipful obeisance to Elisha's bones. It's a pretty desperate appeal.
