Signs someone is an asshole

in life •  7 years ago 


I am not saying every person who does these things are an asshole, but almost all assholes do this. Here are some of the common things to spot an asshole, and potentially safe you from all the stress and anger from getting too close to one.

Unsolicited advice and criticism

Sometimes someone may be better than me at something, and I'll eat their criticism up like a hobo. But the worst kinds of criticism come from someone who is less skilled than you, who's just trying to be superior or more knowledgeable than you. You know the saying, if you're good at something you'll tell everyone, but if you're great at something everyone will tell you. Oh you have anorexia? Why don't you just eat?

Making fun of you as jokes

We make jokes of our friends sometimes, but we know the boundaries and not to cross them. An asshole's jokes will revolve around making fun of your hobbies, looks, jobs and anything they can grab onto with their low self esteem. Most of these jokes are hurtful and are straight up insults. Assholes will try and defend themselves when called out with these common phrases:

  1. "that's just the way I am"
  2. "I'm just telling the truth"
  3. "Oh, I'm sorry you were offended"
  4. "I don't have a filter"
  5. "Can't change who I am"
    and the list goes on.....

And when you try and give them a taste of their own medicine, they will get upset and make you the victim.

Can't admit they're wrong

It's always someone else's fault when things go wrong. They will try and defend themselves when they know they're in the wrong, getting angrier at everyone else and denying the truth. Maybe they'll even bring up a completely unrelated mistake you made a long time ago to shift the blame. And when someone does prove to them that they're wrong and they finally see the truth, the messenger gets punished. The asshole will cry and rage about how the whole world is against them. Once in a blue moon, the asshole will admit their fault, but the story doesn't stop there. They will continue to brag about how sincere and honest they are being. "See? I'm nice I tell the truth allll the time"


General disrespect for any place that isn't their own home. Usually accompanied by these phrases:
"One can wouldn't make much of a difference"
"The cleaners will clean it up anyways"
"It's ok I'm giving them a job"

Treating servers horribly

Throwing tantrums like a child when their food comes late, or having the mindset that "customer is always right". Please, all they do is embarrass themselves and ruin someone else's day.

Constantly one upping you

Oh, you're tired? Well I stayed up all night playing video games slept for an hour then woke up to cram an hour before the exam. Oh you dislocated your arm? Well in high school I broke my ankle while playing football and still continued playing to win the match, what a pussy.

Enough writing from me, this post is making me angry already. >:)

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Stay away from people with bananas!

I've always ate that bit of the banana :O