Karma Courage- Crushing It, and Digital Spaces.

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Hello my friends,

Have you begun your own journey into the world of music or arts? Or do you love being introduced to new sounds, fresh beats, lyrics that tell the story that your heart wishes it could express?

I remember what it was like being in a new industry, with my passions and skills, and I remember the many mentors that fashioned a path before me.
And the anxiety that mixed with those dreams, because it felt like a very big ocean... and I was a very little fish.

Social media platforms have a been a treasure of opportunity, in connecting industry like-minds, we know this.

But, these platforms too can become that big ocean... and your chances of connecting in a sea of noise can leave you disheartened, over it, despondent. Rejected.

And that doesn't only apply to musicians and artists does it?

According to Geshe Michael Roach, author of 'The Karma Of Love' and creator of the concept of "Coffee Meditation- The Secret Weapon to Creating Fast and Powerful Karma", all people want the same thing in this life-

  1. To be financially independent.
  2. To make enough money to be able to help others.
  3. To have meaningful connections and relationships.

That is what drives our core desires and purpose.
And it also is the antidote to our fears.

I can say that these are my dreams too, and I wish for a life with no fear.

So now we look to the new, to new ways of opening up opportunities to achieve these goals.

Which is why spaces like STEEMIT are exactly the type of engagement space that we need as a collective. It can help us all achieve a destiny of creating financial independence, we can help others, and we can connect in an inspiring, open space- to create value to our relationships!

A fire rekindled in me after listening to the audiobook "Crushing It!" by Gary Vaynerchuk.
"How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence-and How You Can, Too";
which you can try for a free trial on the Audible website or app.

This was a fresh look and an engaging perspective!
This was a way- to pick up that rejected, disheartened self and take stock of my skill set and my ability to create content! This was a way of looking at how to regenerate and transform these works.

And how to relook at the digital space, as a friend again.
And as a space of limitless possibilities for fresh connection and sharing and authenticity.

Courage in community.

I wanted to put you in touch with a few ideas that can take you to a new headspace, a new perspective... to bring a new hope, and a new level of engagement.

And the possibilities of finical independence, enough so that you can help others.

To start to tick those goals off your list and find that bliss your heart searches for.

"As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears"- Rumi


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  • www.audioinput.co.za
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