Here are few sayings that will help your step ahead in future , and i can surely say that if you have great focus on what you are doing right now , and have passion for it , can definitely drive you to a better status,
Opportunities are in front of everybody every day, It's almost like a train station, everybody is in the station, there are trains that stop in front of people , but they have their eyes closed.They don't have their eyes open to see and get onto the train. Opportunities are everywhere.
Make the choice to do something that makes you feel good on a daily basis. How many people do that ? How many people identify what makes them feel good and the commit that time to themselves on a daily basis ?
- G.M. RAO -
Money and security are very important to everyone . Personal satisfaction and passion for a particular thing you do is more important, that is why it is important to dream.
Believe things will take care of themselves if you just focus on your mission or your goals , and that you will be provided for because of the effort you put forth .
Virtually everything i have done in my life is not as a result of what i have studied or of how hard i worked .It's a result of visualizing and knowing I am already there .
If you don't believe in yourself, if you don't believe you can achieve something, then no one else is going to.
What is money for you ? If it's the goal then it will be the ruler of you, it will dictate your movements and it will control you.
We don't always know what we want , but we sure know what we don't want, stop doing or thinking about what you don't want. and more on .Its like train ride's a bad one, get off. You will never experience anything else if you don't get off that train. Then you leave yourself open to aomething else.
One way of finding out a direction : take two pieces of paper , wirte down on one piece of paper what you are good at, and on the other piece of paper what you 'd like to be ableto do with your life. And see if you can take those two pages and match things together .
It is not rocket science. To me it is really obvious that it is making a conscious decision about what you want to achieve or what you want to become. It is the vision that sets in motion whatever the power are in the Universe that helps us create what we want.
We learn by doing, and so if you can place yourself in situation, through experimental learning you can shift your belief system. You can rebuild self-esteem and you can shift your belief system. You can do things that previously did not seem possible because you had no example of it in your life. It is almost like a muscle memory. So new experiences can bring us new belief.
Hopefuly i can say that, it will surely help you . just take actions. because action is the first main step for stepping forward.
stay connected , thank-you !