Miracles do happen!

in life •  7 years ago 

Miracles do happen

"Good morning Harold!" Saying these words is now part of my morning ritual! When I open my eyes, stretch my arms above my head and get ready for a brand new day, I speak these words to the one and only Harold who always seems to look at me no matter where I am in the bedroom. His dark eyes follow me like a stalker in a dark alley! At times, he still gives me the creeps when I forget that he is there and my eyes find his. "Good morning Harold! Did you had a good night?" Miracles, they do happen!

After showering or splashing my face with some cold water when I feel too lazy to shower, I make myself some coffee and walk into the living room where I stop and greet my animals, give them a carrot and turn my head to the right! "Morning Debby! I hope you will have a good hunt this fine new day!" I longer think before saying these words, and I sit down sipping my coffee in pure happiness!

At times I am still surprised at my own reaction when I hear myself say "You can stay there." or "You can all stay!" Am I serious when I say these things? Most of the time the answer will be yes, and that is a miracle for sure! You see, as long as I can remember I had this fear of spiders. Every alarm bell would go off, and my whole body would react in pure fear seeing one of these little monsters!


In the past, when I spotted an eight-legged critter with eyes so scary I could see their dark plan to kill me in my sleep, I would scream bloody fire and even call someone to come to my house and remove ( read KILL)) the critter! I wanted to see that they were no longer able to move! Legs up in the air and smashed into a puddle of what once upon a time was a spider! I remember spotting a black evil monster above my head in the shower! I froze at first because I thought, and I am still sure that it was his plan, he would slowly come down and land on my nose to look deep into my eyes and tell me my time had come! After standing like a statue for at least 5 seconds, I started to feel my heart bounce in my chest and the sirens went off! I jumped, opened the door and ran out of the shower screaming bloody murder!

Now this would not have been a problem would I not have been on a campsite! Let's just say that I know how it feels to be naked in front of an audience. Lucky for me I was young, and my body was still in great shape! Bless the teenage years and the attention I got from the boys during my trip to that campsite! Anyways, back to Harold and Debby!


When I joined Steemit in July 2016, I started to take pictures of the animals around me! Spiders live here in huge amounts around and in my house, or at least that's how it feels. I wanted to overcome my fear and also decided to take pictures of these critters who scared me to death many a time! Up close and personal! Slowly I started to enjoy seeing these little monster making their webs and living their lives. I think this was the start of my peace with spiders!

I will be honest, Harold and Debby are not HUGE! They are the I am kinda looking cute spiders! No hairy fat legs or bodies as big as tanks! Harold hangs above my head in the bedroom and probably reads with me every night before we sleep. Debby is a nervous little one! She is black and super fast but only crosses like an idiot on the ceiling! I know they have hidden friends but I let them stay! Maybe this is my way of getting Karma on my side for the coming Summer season!

If some weird looking tarantula would walk into to my home and tell me that he would be there to stay, I would right away call my lawyer and get him deported or... I would pack my bags and leave! He can keep the house! The little ones can stay! For now! Until they break the promise they made me to kill all the mosquitos in Summer and become fat!

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I have put away my weapons! No longer will I have a shoe ready or a can of hairspray! My electric fly swatter will not be used to scare fear upon the spiders! I made a promise, and they signed the contract! You see, Miracles do happen!

Good morning Debby! Did you had a good hunt this night?"

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Thank you for reading my post!

Best wishes


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amezing post love to read your post it is very creative great work like your post friend ☺

Good Morning to you!

What a great thoughts you have. I'm enjoying to read your post. This one is interesting and worth to read about Harold. I'm shocked that how much creative you are? Much appreciated :)
The way of describing daily thoughts is remarkable. Loving it

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi Mam goOd morning nice to see you again, this is a very interesting topic about mircales do happen, yeah sometimes its happen in life an when we are must be say happiest and more thoughtful

At times I am still surprised at my own reaction when I hear myself say "You can stay there." or "You can all stay!"

I agree sometimes its same thing its happen also with me and i shocked how can happens and for what
your painting is awesome

thanks for sharing a blog.........i like your funny post...........keep it up..........

I am amazed to see how creative and artistic you are.you were amazing from the beginning but this is insane,expression something like thin in poem and being able to keep the person reading it endulged in it is the sign of a true artist. I love your work and at last I understood what harold meAns.was gonna ask you haha. Great post and your work is much appreciated by me and you should be too by all.😁

Amazing thoughts!!...The way you have written the daily living your life is very beautiful...I am amzazed that you llike spiders as most of the people are scared of it. You are brave enough to make such friend and give it some of your love..Hebby and harold looks good!!! Interesting post @poeticsnake

Your writing is very rich..The way you have expressed your feeling is really commendable...You are talented in literature and language writing...Spider looks cute @poeticsnake

great photos,,very good

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Haha I never knew that you scared of this animal and spider because you seems so strong who always sneak😜...I really enjoy reading this post...your writing is really good..im also afraid od spider and snakes.

While reading your post it puts smile in my face (sounds funny a bit) you have a different way of coping up your fear and its very effective (thanks for steemit anyway who leads you to appreciate and welcome your fear).. I remember this friend of mine who fears for a frog (she even experience collapsing one time when she accidentally step on a frog) perhaps I would tell her to do the same things like taking photos till the fears runs out. Nice post seems to be a simple one yet an interesting one and of course a way of learning too.. God bless.

woow nice funny post and good quality photo.

What a wonderful piece of note there talking about the spider. Truly when I was also small I used to be very afraid of spiders. But they are fun though

great post.good funny photo.

Strange but different in a divine way

Amazing story @poeticsnake. I was amazed the way you cope in your fears in spider. Honestly, i also had fear to spiders. I don't know why but i just don't like it's hairy skin.

I thinks aside from your great shape body at your teenage time for sure theirs a lot of men flirting you @poeticsnaked hihihi.
By the way I read your post and of a very nice words the art is so very beautiful I like your spidy art

Great post! yes i really do believe miracles do happen cos my close cousin escaped a near death situation through miracle. thanks for posting.

I agree anything is possible when we believe it is!! :D

I'm not there yet, about spiders, or insects. I'm glad you have come to terms with them.
Be well, my friend.

That was a precious sweet funny stiry. Made me smile. Good work friend. :)

@poeticsnake, that's awesome! They need to pay rent!

I can't believe I'm upvoting this one!! SO NOT A FAN OF SPIDERS! But, I will support you!! LOL! Great job on this post though, seriously!

Great thing! Hahahahaha with gender spider

Most spiders are harmless and not a threat at all, just bad fame, they help you to get rid of mosquitoes and when you look close the eyes are kind of cute. I have an agreement with the ones living in my bathroom and bedroom :)

Funny and so ironical...what else can i say dear:you are good with words, in fact you are awesome...thanks for posting
I just followed you, you can walk by my site anytime, it will be a source on encouragement to me

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Flag this piece of shit for trying to scam Steemit users. Bring his reputation to zero!