Where are the treasures of Napoleon hidden

in life •  7 years ago 

About the myriad of treasures buried in the ground and flooded in the water is a huge number of legends and legends. Jewel hunters have long been trying to find the gold of Stepan Razin, Emelian Pugachev, Admiral Kolchak. In this string of truthful and untruthful stories, the treasure of Napoleon occupies a special place. It is well known that he took a huge amount of gold and silver from plundered Moscow, there is even the exact route of the flight of the French army from Russia and the alleged places where these treasures could be hidden. October 16, 1812 from Moscow left a huge convoy consisting of 350 carts: the French carried with them all the valuable that survived after the terrible fire: gold, silver, paintings, expensive clothes, in a word what could be saved on the road, and then it is profitable to sell. But only successfully take out their prey from the invaders did not work, they were regularly attacked by both troops and partisan detachments. In addition, there was a catastrophic lack of feed for horses. In the villages, the French even dismantled thatched roofs, but exhausted horses soon began to die of hunger. Part of the stolen had to be hidden. There was growing dissatisfaction among soldiers who began stealthily stealing valuables from the convoy. Since then, there have been persistent rumors that a huge amount of gold and silver is buried along the path of Napoleon's retreat. In the earth, only metal, paintings and clothes could have survived over the years, even if they were hidden, long ago disappeared. The search for treasure began almost immediately after the war. Especially many luck hunters appeared in the area of ​​Semlevsky Lake, which is in the modern Smolensk region. And, among them were former soldiers and officers of the army of Napoleon. After all, according to the recollections of General de Segur, it was to this lake, on the orders of Napoleon, that ancient cannons, taken from the Kremlin, jewelry and a cross taken from the bell tower of Ivan the Great, were thrown. Already in 1813, one of the local landowners brought to court about 40 cannon guns, which were found within his estate. So, the rumors about the treasures that were flooded here were not groundless. At the beginning of the 20th century, members of the Vyazma Committee for the perpetuation of the memory of the Patriotic War were searching here. True, without much success. In our time, modern instruments have come to the aid of search engines. With their help it was found that on the bottom of the Semlevsky Lake, indeed, there is a huge amount of metal, and the amount of silver in the water exceeds the norm by dozens of times. There is no evidence that this metal is the very treasure.
Diving scuba divers also failed: the bottom of the lake is covered with a multimeter layer of silt. So, the mysterious treasures of Napoleon are still waiting for their researchers.

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