Why does Polyocracy exist ?
To empower Humans in alleviating their own suffering
How does Polyocracy empower Humans to alleviate their suffering ?
By providing tools that empower Humans
There are 2 core elements of the Polyocracy platform. They include:
First: Identity
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is finally standardizing digital credentials. In the W3C charter they pronounce, “It is currently difficult to express banking account information, education qualifications, healthcare data, and other sorts of machine-readable personal information that has been verified by a 3rd party on the Web. These sorts of data are often referred to as verifiable claims. The mission of the Verifiable Claims Working Group is to make expressing, exchanging, and verifying claims easier and more secure on the Web.” Sovrin™: A Protocol and Token for Self Sovereign Identity and Decentralized Trust quotes the W3C by saying, “Decentralized identifier (DID) would provide a standard way for individuals and organizations to create permanent, globally unique, cryptographically verifiable identifiers entirely under the identity owner’s control. DIDs enable true self-sovereign identity — lifetime portable digital identity for any person, organization, or thing that can never be taken away.”
Second: Social Contracts
A social contracts is an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits. Social contracts can be both formal or informal such as a contract between a government and its people or friend promising to pay back (respectively). Social contracts create the necessary foundation for societies to form based on the web of interactions between all involved parties of set society. Polyocracy is a platform that will facilitate peer to peer social contract formation, between individuals, teams or organizations, towards building formal networks of collaborations within both local and virtual projects/communities, aimed at solving social, political, economic and environmental problems. Through being both an app and website, Polyocracy will serve to be a ubiquitous decentralized mobilization tool as we self-organize in creating solutions the world dearly needs.
Final: Alleviating Human Suffering
Polyocracy (Identity + Social Contract)
Inspired by nature, Polyocracy was designed through the biomimicry of a healthy human body. Imagine if how low efficiency in the body would be if your own cells didn’t trust each other. There’d have to be a central node that engaged in the bureaucracy needed to identify then run tasks needed to sustain an organism, this is how current governments and organizations run.
“Structurally, a bureaucracy stems from the effort to govern organizations through closed systems. To maintain order, such systems are formal and rigid. Procedural correctness is paramount within a bureaucracy. Perhaps the single most identifiable characteristic of a bureaucracy is the use of hierarchical procedures to simplify or replace autonomous decisions.” — Investopedia
Autonomous Decentralized Organization (ADO) coordinates the trillions of micro-processes that make life possible. You see the extraction and utilization of resources in the Human body isn’t regulated centrally as in current institutions. It is autonomously regulated through decentralized systems emergent from individual parts. Therefore, for such self-organization to happen each part must have a cell identity marker to make the whole process efficient. Thus, Polyocracy can achieve its mission by having a “lifetime portable identity for any person, organization, or thing that can never be taken away” + a dashboard showing the web of interactions created from social contracts between people, teams and organizations. To efficiently coordinates its efforts and compensate for lack of resources is a principle that governs a perpetually evolving entity. All elements needed in the facilitation of solving collective and individual human suffering. Polyocracy enable individuals to self-organize and collaborate in virtual or local teams and organizations. Projects or products created alleviate human suffering by improving life conditions caused by social and environmental forces.