Ambition is about more, vision is about all.

in life •  8 years ago 

"Ambition is about more, vision is about all."

What is ambition? A human being wanting to be something more than what he is right now. Whatever economic, social and other levels of existence one may be in, every human being according to his imagination and understanding of life is seeking to be something more than what he is right now. For someone who is starving, his ambition is to somehow have at least one meal a day for the rest of his life. If he has one meal, he thinks of two. If he has two, he thinks of a home. If he has a home, he thinks of something else.

Generally, it is only the desires of a few people, who have made it to a certain level of success in their life, which get labeled as ambition by someone else. But everyone is ambitious in their own limited ways of thinking. A beggar is also ambitious, a Uber driver is also ambitious — right now he is driving someone else's car, and his ambition is to someday own his own Ferrari. This is not a small jump. It is a big jump in his view. He thinks he is just thinking of his needs and he looks at someone else and thinks they are ambitious, but it is not so. He is also ambitious in his own limited way. His desire or ambition may look limited compared to someone else's, so it may be categorized as something else, but it is not different.

Ambition is essentially a longing within a human being to somehow have a larger slice of life. NO one is free of this, but everyone looks at it from their own context. Different people try to achieve it in different ways. Someone may believe that money is the way to achieve his larger slice of life. Someone else may believe power is the best currency to do it. Someone may believe knowledge is the only way. Someone may think love is the way. Someone may think corruption is the best
way! That is also a substantial category now. We cannot ignore them anymore.

The currency may be different from person to person, but there is no human being who is not longing to be a little better than what he is right now. This ambition is not a problem. It is very natural for every human being to strive to be something more than what he is right now. The only question is the scale of the ambition.

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