in life •  7 years ago 


Have you ever heard of Parkinson's Law?

Basically, it says that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. It means that if you give yourself a week to complete a two-hour task, then (psychologically speaking), the task will increase in complexity and become more daunting so as to fill that week.

It may not even fill the extra time with more work, but just add stress and tension about having to get it done.

By assigning the right amount of time to a task, we gain back more time and the task will reduce in complexity to its natural state.

For example, you may think that you need 10 or 20 minutes to reply an email when really you only need 5 minutes.

A lot of the time we take to do things is a result of a lack of awareness. If we make a conscious effort to allocate a maximum time to accomplish something, then we get into motion and become more
straightforward in our approach.

I know a famous writer who, every day, allocated one hour to write a specific number of words. This is how he wrote two books per year with adding arrays of articles. This is a very powerful principle that you must put into practice in your life or you'll see your time wasted in useless activities that don't add value to your life and could be completed in half the time necessary.


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