Seven Days of Corporate America

in life •  8 years ago 

I'm finally settled down in bed after working seven days in a row in corporate America. I always try to bring fun and a good attitude into everything I do. However, working a seven-day stretch selling car insurance in the non-standard market is mentally exhausting. Last night after I got off work I could barely move. I laid on the couch snuggling with my husband trying to eat dinner (I barely ate), but I feel asleep. My husband woke me up to go upstairs. I made some pancakes on my way upstairs. I ate those and fell asleep again. I slept over twelve hours last night. I understand if I need to work extra occasionally, but there's a much better way of handling staffing problems: hiring correctly for the hours needed. Our company refuses to hire part-time workers. I've tried to affect change in this regard many times. As being partially in the trenches and partially in management (and being one of the top sellers EVERY quarter since I started with the company), I have a big voice. I've used it as much as I can to affect as much positive change as possible. I have lead work shops on dealing with stress and staying positive. I have given feed back on what the company can do to make our jobs easier and make the employees happier. Sometimes, my advice is heeded. In regards to having monday-friday agents NOT having to work six day stretches once a month and seven day stretches once a quarter, my company refuses to budge. I see them going in directions that makes me extremely uncomfortable. When I was hired on, the company told me it was a professional sales environment that just happened to be a call center. We had a lot more freedom and respect. More and more they are going to "we are a call center." That makes me extremely nervous. I have a plan to get out, but I have friends that will be trapped. I don't like the direction we are headed in. It makes me more and more sure that I WANT OUT!!!
Tomorrow I start my trial week of being a full-time cam girl. I'm nervous, but excited. I am hoping everything works out well. I hope I do well (when I've done my short 2 hour stints on cam I have done very well).
I'm so ready to be free. I'm ready to be me. I can't wait to leave.
I've attached a picture of myself at work this week (and one of me being goofy at work).

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Now if you could only combine both careers, a camgirl call center :)

Right... I've thought of combing cam girl and therapist. It's just a thought at this point, but naked therapy might be a good business. Not sure yet :)

Well, one thing would be for certain. You'd have the full attention of at least all male patients :)