The first day as a student

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Continuation of my journey

When i opened the envelope the tears run down, tears of joy! at last the door to my dreams opened wide! i did not know and didnt even realized that even the door is wide open the road will be tight, rocky, foggy, full of wild animals and all things that i didnt thought. I was nervous and happy at the same time, i dont know what kind of life is waiting for me, before i enrolled the husband of my mother and my mother told me that i need to pay them back for all of the school fees and i said Alright(what choice do i have? i dont want to go home! not yet!), so i need to work a lot.
Holding a student visa you are only allowed to work 24hrs a week, and the pay for every hour as a part time was 800yen(morning), 950 - 1000+(night).

October,2008 when the first day of school started, i rode my bike going to the train station(15min cycling, not too bad huh!)
The station is Yatsuka station located in adachi-ku, tokyo(you can search in google if you want to see it and visualize my daily life). From Yatsuka to nippori(still in tokyo, not more than an hour train) and from there i need to walk 15min to reach my school. It is here in the very picture below that i spent 2 years of my not so happy life. The school name is Akamonkai.

For a foreigner like me who cant read/write/speak Japanese(nihongo) it was a challenging first day. If you ask why?
Imagine yourself living in a place that you dont know anyone, you cant communicate, and all was new to me, the place, people, including the experience it is way out of my comfort zone. And to make things worst? i went to that school to learn japanese(nihongo) but to my surprise the teacher is using Nihongo to teach Nihongo! books are written in Nihongo and no one can speak english! I thought, what is this place? But the amazing thing is, that way of teaching is effective and proven!
Oh well let's go back to my story, i met a lot of foreigner like me, people from Korea(mostly), china, india, russia, bangladesh, mongolia, and i was the only one(Philippines). I was all alone, it was fun but sad at the same time seeing people talking using their mother language. The day went by so fast and it is time for me to go home and i need to go to my very first part time job interview. When i got home my mother was waiting for me( i lived in a neighborhood called Danchi, a government housing)

We rode 20min bicycle to the site, as i cant speak Japanese my mother was the one talking, they asked a lot of questions.
They immediately accepted my application, YAY!! The manager told me that a lot of filipinos are working there so they can teach me. After a few days the day of my new journey will start! First day on my very first job here in japan! So after i went to school that day i rode my bike from the station straight to work!(the picture below is my work place)

I arrived and asked for the manager to guide me, they gave me my name tag, and we entered the factory. He introduced me to everybody, all eyes are on me and i am the only young worker, most of them are 50s and above, mostly are women. One worker called me, he told me that he will teach me something, then

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