How Can You Overcome Your Fear of Scares?

in life •  3 years ago 

Face Your Fears and Win is a video game released for Nintendo Wii. It involves playing the role of Ricon, who is placed on the edge of a tall building. Face Your Fears is actually an actual adventure which exposes you to scary scenes based on popular phobias and fears. For example, in Skyscraper, there is a man standing on the edge of a tall building in the middle of an otherwise busy city. When looking downwards, a huge, robot-like robot is rapidly approaching up to the player.

What is interesting about this scene is the fact that it creates the context for the player to make an action plan or not. If you look down from the building, you will notice that there are no people around and it seems like a normal day. However, if you go closer and look down, you can see that there are people crawling around on the lower levels. The logic behind this scenario is that since there are people on the lower levels, the fear of heights must be present, therefore it must be a fear of spiders. This logic can be applied to other fears such as fear of heights, water, and spider.

The trick is to tackle these fears head on without panicking. The first step to overcoming a phobia is to identify the fear, then figure out how to conquer it. There are many resources on this, especially on the Internet. One of the most effective guides on this is Face Your Fears: An Ebook by David Blaine. He is a certified hypnotist and hypnotherapist and this book contains a lot of information on how to overcome your phobia.

One way to attack your fears is to do some deep breathing exercises that will relax you and bring you into deeper relaxation. When you get into deeper relaxation, you can then begin to visualize what the fear is. You need to imagine the fearful object or situation in your mind and imagine how you feel when you are actually experiencing it. This is a very powerful exercise that you can use to overcome your fears.

Another exercise is to count backwards from 10 while breathing deeply and slowly. When you reach number one you can now confidently say the question; "I'm afraid of... and I can't go on". This exercise allows you to confront the fear by saying the name of the thing or situation and what it makes you feel when you are afraid.

If you are afraid of heights, start facing them until you become almost comfy with the situation. This could take some time depending on your level of fear. The important thing is not to feel threatened by the fear itself but by how it makes you feel. Once you have faced your fears many times before, you should be able to conquer your phobia quickly.

Anxiety and panic attacks are all about your fear center. It's where your fears originate from. When you can face your fears by confronting them, it's likely you will gain some relief from your anxiety. Your therapist may also prescribe medications that help calm you down so you can deal with your fears more easily. A combination of therapies including medications, deep breathing exercises, and confrontational techniques may help give you your life back.

If your anxiety and/or phobia are caused by real or imaginary scares, confrontations with your fears may help you. Sometimes all you have to do is tell yourself you're afraid of these fears. Once you face your fears, they will fade away and you can move forward.

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