How to gain a winning advantage in life

in life •  2 years ago 

If you're like me, you've learned that the key to success in life is mastering a craft. However, most of us have never really put a process in place for gaining mastery over that craft.

The only thing we've really been given is our natural skill set and our passion to learn.

In this post, I want to show you how to identify your strongest asset, leverage it, and find ways to turn it into a strong weapon.

Let's take a look at how we can master our natural talent for writing:

STEP 1: Identify Your Strongest Asset

The first thing you have to do in order to develop a winning advantage in your craft is to find out what your strongest asset is. This means figuring out your best skill and using that to build a powerful career.

The reason why this step is so important is because your job isn't to master every single aspect of a craft. It's to master ONE thing that is your strong suit. That's your strongest asset.

For me, my strongest asset is story telling. As a writer, I can tell the most compelling stories from start to finish. It's what gives me my edge over everyone else. This is why I've developed a highly-sought after brand and am known for my unique ability to create great content.

STEP 2: Leverage It To Increase Income

Next, you'll want to find a way to use this one thing as a lever to increase income. This can be done by making yourself more desirable to clients or finding ways to sell multiple items for the same price.

You'll want to use your strongest asset to position yourself as a trusted adviser.

STEP 3: Use Your Weapon To Win

Once you have a winning advantage, you can use it to win in every aspect of your life. If you have a clear goal, it's far easier to succeed.

I have a very clear vision of what I want to be able to do in life. I want to earn enough money to give myself the freedom to pursue my creative projects full-time. This way, I can write books, create video series, and do whatever else I want.

Once you figure out your strong asset, you need to turn it into a weapon. Once you know exactly what you're good at and find a way to use it to your advantage, you can use your weapon to win in every aspect of life.

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