Searching, Seeking and Over Thinking!

in life •  6 years ago 


Today… Considering I have taken up sharing conversations I am having. Lets share my thought train today.

alarm goes off: 5:00am or 0500 for you 24 hours people….

me: groans…

brain: okay, get up…

5:05 alarm goes off the second time.

Brain: get up!

me: …

alarm 5:15

brain: Get up or ill make you pay.

me: …

alarm: 6:30

brain: okay, I warned you!

me: I wish i was dead!

I got out of bed and begun getting ready for work. I managed to get out of my apartment at 7:00 I started work at 7:00. It’s an hours travel time to work… So I got in around 8am; now for the first time in history my manager was on time, so I sneaked into work had a coffee and begun my day.

The first thing I get this morning is a forwarded email from one of the guys down stairs, this email was from my biggest client, stating that I had made a mistake several times and they are prepared to part ways with us unless they get a different sales representative. Naturally this set the day into a certain tone, So I fixed the error that was troubling this person and passed that client onto the internal sales team.

So rather then lamenting the fact that I could have potentially lost the companies biggest client, I celebrated… As now I have a lot more free time to focus on other customers. As my role is to introduce new customers to the business, I now have an additional three hours a day to focus on building my network.

so here is me after coming to this conclusion

Source: That's me!

if you couldn’t tell, I am thrilled to be at work and building this client base.
I wouldn’t rather be in rehearsals or sitting at home playing resident evil at all…

So that’s a quick one from me.

Hope you are well…

be safe and happy.


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