Never Loose Focus - Part 2

in life •  7 years ago 

School started with me missing my first lecture of the semester (rolls eyes), then and there my first doubt sets in with different questions on my mind; am I ready for this school life? Am I really gonna do this? If it comes to me choosing between school and my job, which would it be? Will I succeed on this journey that I have worked so hard to kick off????? And then I said to myself, just show up! So I left for school in the evening after work, even though the first lecture had ended, I learnt a valuable lesson, I realized that me being in school that day gave me back all the assurance that I needed, it cleared my doubts, it reminded me of the reason why I chose this path and it reinforced the fact that I belonged there.
I made really cool friends as I progressed with school and I must say that they have been the most supportive friends I have ever had. Let me give you an insight on how supportive they were.
I am a full time working student, confusing right? OK let me explain, I was working with a mortgage firm transitioning into a commercial bank as a sales executive while I pursue a full-time degree in Environmental toxicology and pollution management (quite a mouthful too). These two are totally unrelated as in from one end of a spectrum to the other and I had to go at full speed on both sides as these bills won’t pay themselves.
Anytime I show up late to class, looking distrained and tired, snuck up at the back of the class ensuring that I don’t get penalized for lateness, I see my supportive friends winking at me from their seats assuring me that all is well, making eye contact to hint me that they have got notes of the parts I missed, that they are willing to go through the notes with me, that they have taken my attendance when and where necessary, that they have represented me in one form or the other where necessary, that they have contributed my share of cost for a class / group assignment, that they have checked some of my result from the ones pasted on the departmental notice board, and sometimes beckoning to me to come sit at a better seat reserved so I can get a clearer view of the board and lecturer.
They have never been judgy nor negative in any way, from the little they have, they give tirelessly. As we all have a common goal to come out in flying colors, we motivate each other, they give me all the motivation to come for overnight study in school so that I can fully cover up for the classes I missed in the week, many times I observed that they don’t even need to study overnight as they were up to date, many times above syllabus, but yet they come so that I don’t get discouraged.
By now, you must be thinking that these friends I have been talking about are a handful, NO! I made not so many but one true friend – TUNRAYO GIWA.

Thank you Tunrayo, for never backing down, for never losing your own focus and ensuring that I don’t lose mine either, for ensuring that we both finished with strong grade points, for looking out for the both of us tirelessly, for being there for me at my lowest (our Research Seminar defense – Another story for another day).
Thank you babe, you rock always!!!

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nice one man :)

thanks bro

We need friends that always gat our backs... and fronts tooo ....