Period Pains Menstruation & Coping: Bloody Hell Life Can Get Bloody Messy At Times!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Life can be cruel at times with what it throws at us women, but hey we are strong and built to cope. The pain of childbirth is proof enough of our strength, so, what possibly out of all that is thrown our way do we find the most we struggle to cope with.

So we have the menopause a regular happening for women later in life, and yet we women cope. Most of us have husbands and boyfriends and yet we women cope. Again most of us have kids and yet we women cope, but there comes a time in a woman’s life when the coping stops.

According to some study and hated by millions is the MONTHLY BLEED...

Period Pain.jpg

Menstruation comes to us all and something we can’t avoid. A lot of women have reluctantly admitted to struggling with period pains. Do not see this as a weakness and think you have let the side down.

Weakness isn’t the case in this situation; it shows your strength even more.

So you feel you can’t cope with period pains but you do, and you also accept the bleed as a natural event of the female body---this is the thinking and action of a strong woman.


Period Pain Relief For Menstrual Cramps:

  • Try light exercise as it supposedly helps ease discomfort.
  • Warmth is a good form of relief for period pain. Try resting a hot water bottle on your stomach.
  • Chamomile tea has been mentioned by lots of women who swear by this for menstrual cramps.
  • Add vitamin D to your diet.
  • Acupuncture is another suggested pain option.

If your monthly bleed comes heavy see a doctor. If you don’t bleed see a doctor, as this could signify pregnancy, or an underlying condition causing the no-show.


If you can't COPE and feel your life's a BLOODY MESS, see a doctor as they treat women for all sorts of health problems other than period pains.

Take Care

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Accuurate..and informative

Thank you for your time in coming here to comment it is much appreciated... @racykacy

Nice photo >><<<

Thanks @jemme--@racykacy