Kunjungan kerumah pak geusyik kampung krueng meuriam (tangse)

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Telah tercipta silaturahmi antaran kami terhadap pak geucyik kampung krueng meuriam pada hari itu, silaturahmi itu pun tercipta saat kami surve ke kampung krueng meuriam dalam agenda kkn (kuliah kerja nyata), kami pun cukup senang atas keramahan dan kebaikan pak geusyik krueng meuriam dalam mempertamukan kami pada haru itu.

It has been created a relationship between us to pak geucyik krueng meuriam village on that day, the relationship was created when we surve into krueng meuriam village on the agenda kkn (real work college), we were quite happy for the hospitality and goodness of pak geusyik krueng meuriam in setting us on that day.

Semoga dalam agenda kkn ini kami bisa menjalin silaturahmi yang lebih baik lagi, dan kami pun ikut senang saat surve ke kampung krueng meuriam, karena masyarakat kampung krueng meuriam ramah-ramah dan baik-baik terhadap kami atau pun selingkungan mereka.

Dan kampung krueng meuriam bukannlah tempat yang dibilang sepi atau sunyi, tetapi kampung krueng meuriam banyak tempat-tempat bagus/indah, yang terdapat di kampung krueng meuriam ada air terjun,pegunungan-pegunungan,sungai berbatuan dll, Cukup banyak wisatawan yang berkunjung untuk melihat keindahan tersebut.

Hopefully in this agenda kkn we can establish a better relationship again, and we are also happy when surve to krueng meuriam village, because the village community krueng meuriam friendly and good to us or their environment.

And the village of krueng meuriam is not a place that is practically deserted or silent, but krueng village meuriam many good places / beautiful, located in krueng meuriam village there are waterfalls, mountains, river berbatuan etc, Quite a lot of tourists who visit to see the beauty the.

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