You need to be hungry for success!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


One of the problems most people have when it comes to working, especially online, is that they are not hungry enough for success. They want money, they want to succeed and they want to get all kind of rewards from their work, but they're not willing to spend most of their time in front of their computer, working.

This could be compared with almost any situation out there. For example, a student who wants to become a doctor won't be taken seriously if he spends most of his time drinking and partying instead of studying, trying to learn more and getting better at what he wants to do in the future.

I believe this is one of the main reasons so many people fail when it comes to success. It's not that the system doesn't offer them what they need and it's not because making a lot of money in general is extremely hard. It's just because they are not hungry enough, and they don't have a desire to get what they want.

If you spend around 2 hours every single day, or even 4 hours, working on something you like, for example writing articles on Steemit, you are doing something most people out there are doing. You're creating articles, you're making sure they are decent enough to get you some rewards, and you make sure to reply to all the comments you get from all kind of people.

However, you can't compare that with a person who spends more than 10 hours every single day creating articles for this website, commenting on other people's articles, trying to always improve, reading new things and trying to write better and better every single time, and who knows, maybe not even doing anything else besides working for days.

It's obvious who wants to succeed more, and it's obvious who is the person who will get more rewards in the long run. The second guy or girl may have certain reasons for all that motivation, and no matter what those reasons are, what matters is that they are there. They are willing to spend so much time working, because they want something, because they have an objective.

That's how most people should treat work. I'm pretty confident that if more people would be that hungry to get what they desire, a smaller amount of people will fail, because they would be willing to spend most of their time working.

I see people every single day who brag about the fact that they work on their dreams every single day and that they spend "crazy" amounts of hours trying to accomplish their goals, and they tell me they work for around 8 hours without stopping, trying to make more and more progress.

That's okay, but it's not "crazy". You're not doing something incredible, something no one ever did before. If you look at all the people out there who have normal jobs, they spend the same amount of time working, because they have to. How are you better than them? Why do you have more chances to succeed than they have?

Some would argue that it's not about how much time you spend working, but where you spend that time and what you do with it. Sure, I agree. A person who spends 8 hours working on the wrong things will always accomplish less than a person who spends the same amount of hours working on the right things.

However, think about all the progress you can make if instead of spending 8 hours working on the right things you would spend 12 or 16 hours. Imagine how much progress you could make if you would invest that amount of time into working and developing your business.

I'm not saying that you should give up on everything you have in order to focus on your work. I've been there and I've done that. Giving up on most of the things in your life in order to focus 100% on your work won't always bring you happiness, especially if you have family or friends that you need to spend time with.


But I'm convinced that you can always spend a little more time working on something besides what you do every single day. I'm convinced that even if you can't work more than 8 hours a day, you could, in multiple occasions, spend at least 30 minutes a day reading from all kind of books, trying to learn new things in order to make more progress.

There is a crazy amount of people who lie to themselves, thinking they are doing everything they can to succeed. I'm sure there is a crazy amount of people telling others "I'm working all day long to achieve my dream, I don't have time for myself", and when they get home, they spend around 2 hours watching videos on YouTube or watching movies or TV Shows.

I understand why most of you would lie to others, I do it too, but what I don't understand is why you would ever lie to yourself. You won't laugh at you and you won't bully yourself, so instead of lying and instead of trying to trick your brain into thinking you're making more progress than you actually are, what about not lying and focusing on the truth and the reality?

If you take a look at some successful people, like Casey Neistat, Gary Vaynerchuk or Tai Lopez, you will see them saying, multiple times, that they are not smarter than the average person and that they don't have certain gifts that help them accomplish all the things they want to do. The reason they succeeded and the reason others who were smarter than they are didn't, is because they outworked them. It's because instead of investing their time into partying, into having fun and into drinking, they spent days and weeks training, learning new things and working.

And that's exactly what you should be doing right now. You may not be the smartest person in the world, and you may not have a natural talent that can make things easier for you. That's completely okay, I don't have those things either. However, what you can have is the will to invest more and more time into working and developing yourself and your business.

I'm pretty confident that most people out there can become more successful than the people who have natural talents and those who are smart without trying too hard, if they just work harder. If you are smart and if you waste that gift doing stupid things that won't help you make progress, then don't be surprised if someone who is not smarter than you manages to succeed while you don't.

Having fun it's great, I love having fun. I love spending most of my time playing video games. I used to spend a lot of time playing all kind of games on my computer, sometimes more than 12 or 16 hours a day. However, I realized that spending that amount of time playing and having fun won't help me get the rewards I want. That's why I make an extra effort to focus on my work and to play maybe for 30 minutes every single day, to take a break.

As I mentioned in past articles, my goal right now is to buy a great computer that will help me get things done faster, that will allow me to work better, and that will give me the opportunity to work on new things that require a better system, like animation or game development.

Because of that, and because I need a pretty big amount of money, at least for me, I am spending around 12 hours a day working and doing my best to make as much progress as possible in as little time as possible. It's not because I have a gift, and it's not because I am smarter than the average person. I'm pretty sure the average person is smarter than me.

It's only because I'm hungry for success, and it's only because I want that computer more than anything in the world right now. It's this kind of motivation you need, in order to spend more and more time working. Most people out there are searching for temporal motivation, the kind of motivation you get by watching YouTube videos or listening to someone talk about all the opportunities you have.

I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about real motivation, I'm talking about having an objective you want to accomplish so much, that you'd be ready to sacrifice everything you have for it. You don't have to, but you need to always be ready to do it, because you will be required to make at least one sacrifice in the future, like not going out with your friends on a Friday night or not spend 8 hours a day playing League of Legends or Counter Strike.


Success is available to every person out there, no matter who you are, where you come from, what color you skin is or what your sexual orientations are. You could be a black asian lesbian lady that is in love with latex and has weird fetishes. As far as I'm concerned, you can achieve success if you try hard enough.

Life's not easy, and everything in life will not be easy to achieve. If it would be easy, everyone would be successful. The only difference between a successful person and one who complains all the time about everything, is the amount of time they invested into their work and the amount of sacrifices they made in order to achieve what they wanted.

So, if you want to have success, if you want all those rewards you've been dreaming about for years, if you want to have something that is yours, something that you worked for, then wake up, start being hungry for success, and work your ass off to achieve everything you want.

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Everyone wants the money....without having to do the work for it

Exactly! :)

Great read and so true!

Thank you very much! :)

2017 is the year to be hungry for success and meeting ppl who've been successful! 👊🙏

Exactly, we should learn from them and try to be like them. Thanks for the comment! :)

Yea right please go through my posts and upvote ..

Nice post, i considered to share this

Well, I'm glad you like the post, and it's okay, you don't have to share it if you don't like the pic :)