My wife's bird story

in life •  9 years ago 

My wife Olga, is from Ukraine. I was over there in 2004 and met her and (quite unexpectedly!) decided within 15 minutes I was going to marry her if I could get her to agree. I took me until spring of 2005 to get her a visa but she made it and since her English wasn't so good, she sat at home while I was at work. One day she told me this little story and I liked it so much I asked her to save it on the computer. I decided to share it so everyone can get a glimpse of her beautiful mind and understand why I love her madly to this day.

Again in the morning I meet of her watchful gaze ... I am so happy to see her again, I think she is too.
But our acquaintance began in the early spring, a beautiful time of love and marriages. They did everything so quietly that I did not have time to notice when their house was ready. I just met her watchful eye. Her husband sat beside her so important and responsible! First, a few days, she trembled as I pushed away our creaking door, going out to the balcony. But over time we have even begun to greet, of course not "good morning", etc., but somehow in a special way, just look.
I have not kept track of the days, just one fine morning I saw three open mouths. Their father really enjoyed his mission to feed the family.
Time flies, and now the chicks are jumping around the mother and clean their feathers...
One of them was bigger, and the other two were smaller, of course the big catches more food and grew by leaps and bounds. I was very worried for them, when they learned to fly, and coming up with ways to bring them back to the nest, if they fall! But everything turned out good, my fears were unfounded, they all passed the exam excellent. And a week later the biggest one sat just as important as his father.
Another week, and they were ready for adult life, it was a time to say goodbye ...
And one morning, it was a Monday, the big one flew ... I noticed this because their father took care of only two now. The next day, I was surprised to notice that their parents had left the nest, and the two remaining chicks spent the night together. In the morning I almost cried, even now, remembering that day, I have tears in my eyes, it was so touching and sad. They sat side by side so quietly, so quietly, as if saying goodbye to each other before the long separation ... I did not make this picture just because I did not want to bother them, they had to sit in silence before the journey in life. I saw that they seemed to understand the importance of this point in their bird's fate. I wanted to shout to them: "Do not worry so much, everything will be fine!"

Each of us has his own way in this Earth, which we create by ourselves by our own notions of happiness and life, but we are happier, purer, higher, watching the beauty and harmony in the world.
I did not spy, we just lived in the neighborhood ... and live!

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