The Difference Between A Foolish Person And his equals.

in life •  3 years ago 

The difference between a smart person and a foolish person is often the source of much debate. The only way to really tell the difference between a clever fool and an ordinary fool is when you attempt to correct a clever fool it usually will result in him hate you. However, if you simply rebuff a clever fool he will immediately love you for it. So, in order to gauge just how much or how little someone is like, look out for the signs and fall back on your own judgment.


Dumb People Often say stupid things without meaning to. Sometimes you will overhear a conversation where the people involved are talking about some stupid thing. You will hear them blabber away without stopping to think about what they are actually saying. On the other hand, you might overhear a conversation where the person being talked to is simply ranting and talking non stop without pausing to think before he says something. Usually the latter kind of person doesn't put his thoughts into his speech, but is a great listener with an excellent grasp of language.

Irrespective of their appearance, dumb people are often clumsy. They frequently trip and fall causing themselves great pain and discomfort. This could be because of the weight of their bags or they could be simply out of shape. When you see someone hobbling around with a bag on his back or you often see overweight people walking with big bulging bags on their back, chances are they are carrying their bags and are not walking quietly or wisely.

Foolish People Often Say Things Without Thinking Often a person will make a big statement which seems to be true, only for them to face a blowback later. You will often see a person on TV or the radio express a view or opinion without bothering to think about the possible repercussions. People who say things without thinking often say things without considering their position or the reaction of others. This results in statements being made without foundations or facts. A foolish person will often talk about something which has no logic, only for him to face a backlash and then change his opinion.

Do Not Follow Others You Do Not Like The way a foolish person acts will also show on how they treat those who do not follow them. If you do not like a certain way of doing something, do not follow that person. If you do not like what another person is doing, do not tell that person that he is wrong. A wise person will respect the opinions of others and will think before making any statement or taking any action. If a foolish person follows this advice, they will often be ignored by everyone.

The difference between a foolish person and his equals is that one has no self control and the other constantly cares about themselves. A foolish person will often use other people as a means to an end, always putting their own interest before that of others. On the other hand, a person who values and follows his own interests will always be respected by others for they know that they can have complete control over every decision that they make.

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