How to trust your inner wisdom? This question is very much relevant to anyone who has had the experience of living from one corner of the globe to the other, as well as anyone who has a wide range of interests. Life is affected by everyday happenings around us; it's just natural to look around and see where everyone else is fit in. But what most people forget is that even forget don't have an internal guidance to guide them in a particular direction most aligned with who they want to become. So if you feel like you're lost, here are some tips on how to trust your inner wisdom:
When you trust your inner truth, you'll be able to experience a state of peace and tranquility. Trusting your inner spirit means not allowing yourself to be distracted by what you think about in the outer world. You can think about the truth, but you can't really know it unless you experience it. That is the reason why faith is important: it helps you experience and know the truth, thus making you able to apply it as true or not.
The second step on how to unlock your inner wisdom is to find a reliable and dependable higher guidance. You can either seek out help from a religious community, therapist, or guide who will help you unlock your higher guidance for yourself. However, remember that most experts cannot help you unless you are willing to open up and trust your own intuition, since they can't actually read your mind.
Use discernment. You can also use discernment to further help you unlock your wisdom. Simply put, divine revelation is about God revealing his truth to you through the Holy Spirit. To experience divine revelations, one must be open and humble enough to allow the Holy Spirit into his or her heart. This way, you will experience a deep sense of peace and solace that no amount of medication can buy.
Be around people who really care about you and love you more than life itself. Once you start to experience divine manifestations, your outlook towards life will change radically, because you'll see things for who they really are, and not for what they should be. By surrounding ourselves with these kind of individuals, we will start to enter into a higher consciousness, which is where the truth lies.
- Finally, the most important step on how to unlock your inner wisdom is to accept that all things come from God, and that He is love above every other feeling. Once we fully trust in this reality, we will have the courage to live boldly, without fear, and do things that are out of our normal range of thinking. This is also the time to completely let go of any need to place limits on God's ways, and allow him to work his will within our lives. It's all about trusting in the Higher Power, and letting him guide us as we go our separate ways. If we truly trust in the intelligence and power of God, and follow his guidance, we will never meet our destiny but will be guided by the Holy Spirit, instead.