Let's redress the whole ideal of dealing with people with different opinions

in life •  7 years ago 

Before I start I'd like to say that my closest friend is on the right side of Politics. He votes on self-need; whether which government will benefit him personally over the term that they are in government. Me? I personally think about the needs of the community. I’m on the left. I'll be fine, that's for sure, but I'd certainly like to think that my vote counts for the wider area. I don't like to hear about suffering. Does that mean he's crazy? No, just different.

I have religious friends too!

The same can be said for my pastor friend, Laura. She stands up in front of a whole congregation and teaches the word of God to the best of her Churches teachings; she's a firm believer in Christ and events happening for a reason. She holds a stern belief that God is all seeing and all encompassing. Me? I believe that we're worm food at the end of our lives; something that I had to come to terms with over a long period of reading history books. I believe that we are our own people and we reap that which we sow. We are masters of our own destiny. Does that make her a rambling idiot? Of course not, when it comes to worldliness she's far more cultured and intelligent than I am. Our religious debates are good fun.

I firmly believe that people can overcome their differences for the sake of friendship and understanding. My closest friend for example, were I to dismiss him I would lose the only male that I can truly connect with on a level that is similar to my personality. He is a soft male, enjoys the company of women and delights in the different people around him. I couldn't throw that away for the sake of one belief. It's why I think there are many layers to people that if we sat down with each other we would find far more to agree on than disagree with. I said that in an earlier post.

Steemit is a benefit to society

I am beginning to see the real benefit of places like Steemit. Whilst we are creating a place for free and uncensored speech we are also fostering a lovely sense of community. I've spent quite a bit on here over the last few days reading and enjoying what other people have had to say and I'm noticing a large trend here, mainly that people are actually having fun. Let's be clear here, for the last eight or so years I've been uber trained in creating happy and peaceful environments so that communities can thrive and prosper. I've learned to notice the signs when I walk into something self-harming and the several factors that feed into such a community. This is a happy place. Like Happy Gilmore's hah.

It's nice to see I'll admit. Usually when I walk into a platform that prides itself on freedom of speech I know from the word go I'll be met with chants of xenophobia, nationalism, lack of understanding and bitter anger. Yet here I am sitting with a lovely eclectic mix of different people from all walks of life getting along. Look at the help post that made $16k, amazing, and yet so heart-warming. Maybe it's early days? Who knows? Maybe I have rose tinted glasses on? We'll see.

Future? My own prejudices and lack of understanding

Nevertheless, looking forward to the future, understanding is the key. I'll admit I, myself, have a lifetime to go. I have no clue what happens in LGBT circles, something I'm trying to address in my blog, and I still can't get my head around this whole non-binary thing. As a binary species, I fail to see how someone can be non-binary unless they were non-human. Alas, that is just my lack of understanding and I know for sure I will get there some day. I want to understand and that is the main thing. I also dislike labels. I was called cisgender last week and had to look it up in the dictionary. I prefer Human.

It's something that Facebook is failing drastically at. They pride themselves on connecting people on levels that we never could before, but I can only see them driving a wedge between humanity in a like we have never encountered before. We have never been so distant. Their pure thirst for greed and blatant attempt at wiping our bums after we use the toilet is having some drastic effects on our culture. I'm finding that our tolerance levels are lower than they have ever been. They have undone so much that society has worked to achieve in the last hundred years. People exist entirely in their own echo chambers on that place, and friends that stand up to challenge a groups brand of thinking is often ostracised and ridiculed because people no longer believe in tolerance and difference of opinion. We are all becoming far too delicate. We need to toughen up. Think of it realistically, If you hear your own opinion reflected back at you for too long then it's going to be harder to hear difference. Right?

Diversity is amazing

That's why I advocate for personal blogs, and now this place. Communities that don't use algorithms to turn us all into a bunch of agreeing sheep too delicate to hear something different. Places that promote diversity of thought and meaningful debate. Places that encourage people from all walks of life to come together and enjoy themselves regardless of background, race, religion, blah. We need to redress the balance. I really do feel this is the way we need to go.

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If you have rose-tinted specs on, I have a pair as well! Steemit could possibly be a microcosm of the sort of world we could have if we'd all just listen to each other with an open mind and a little respect.

Totally agree!

Good post indeed and lots of lessons too. Plurality , understanding , empathy and compassion will be very helpful in dealing with people. Thanks for sharing

Thank you!