- Never go up or down the stairs with your hands in your pockets.
You have to keep your hands ready for a fall that can literally come at any moment.
02.In case you're attacked in your home, try to get to the kitchen.
There you may find better hiding spots and weapons to counter the attack. This is the place really where you want to be.
03.In case your building caught fire, always stay as low as possible.
This is how you can minimize the effect of heat and smoke. Just, get down, get low and try to get out as fast as possible.
04.Don’t text on phone while driving or walking on street.
You may have the most amazing peripheral vision in the world, but it isn't good enough. Your reaction time is way too slow to stay safe. Keep in mind, life is more important than texting.
05.Don’t try to hide under a bridge or overpass during a tornado or heavy storm.
You can get stuck in debris as well as the bridge structure can collapse.
06.You love trekking or hiking and unfortunately you incur some form of scrape or cut.
Don't wash it in a lake or river. Infection can increase because of bacteria. Use mineral drinking water instead.
07.If you ever hear any kind of explosion, try not to move around too much.
There could be another bomb or explosive material. Stay away, keep calm and let the emergency squads reach there.
08.In any accident when you are in your car and it is sinking, never try to open the car door.
Cars sink slowly so open/break a window and get out of the car ASAP.
09.Birds making too much noise and/or flying at very lower altitude is a signal that either tornado approaching at the place or there is any dangerous reptile around.