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Cured a batch of extracts under that full moon's magical light.... wish we could share with you :)
Nice shot!

Fantastic @vantocan! I am going to get myself a little more organized so that I can start intentionally honouring the herb, biodynamically.
I will wipe the drool from my!

Great blood mon shot @rebeccaryan :D

I'm in Ontario as well, and I missed it. Did we get any of the eclipse, or just the blood moon?

I was able to capture the moon and Mars but not the eclipse itself. I also got some cool shots of the moon through the clouds which are hauntingly chilling. What town/city are you near @remotediscovery? (I’m just south of Stirling.)

I'm about 10 minutes north of the Toronto Zoo. Is Stirling near Belleville?

Yes, I am close to Belleville. We are likely about a 2 hour drive to your location, accommodating for traffic once close to the GTA. Very cool!

I am in love with this shot

I wanna amazing see bloody moon. What's this bloody full-moon feature?

What a beautiful shot! Where exactly did you take it? It was sadly cloudy in Thailand when I tried to go and see... I have seen the blood moon before and it’s amazing!
Amazing photo:)

I just realise you have put the location! I wasn’t sure where Trent Severn waterway was.. but cool, must have been a lovely clear night in Canada! The starts must be awesome there

Hi @sunsethunter! I’m located in Ontario, Canada.
I was trying to catch both this Blood Moon and Mars together. Mars is very close to our Earth right now and it was a shimmering red orb too. It just showed up as a secondary tiny ball of blur next to the moon. I needed a different camera lens to capture it, in focus. Thanks for taking a look. ;)

Ah yes! I am glad that you mentioned mars, here’s a picture I took a few days ago of the moon and mars, you can see mars faintly at the bottom :) that was just taken with my phone so it’s not the best picture but you can still see it! Mars was super bright and had an orange glow. I love the time of year when seeing venus at sunset when it’s super low in the sky and crazy bright! I’m so fascinated with the night sky, I always have been :) I’ve spent countless hours looking up :)


Holy shit , that is so stunning , it’s like a sunset within the moon 😍🚀

My word but that's a beautiful thing. So full of power and magnetism...she's seen the truth of the ages and the lies of so many, eh? Since the dawn of time.

A thing of intriguing beauty. ;)

Oh that's DOPE!!!!!

wooow amazing photo Rebecca!!!

Excellent and lovely view of blood moon, but it also close like fire moon!

you are right!

Great shot! The power of a good camera.

Beautiful shot @rebeccaryan! The moon was awesome that night!
I was luck enough to catch it on the Cape :)