We will be looking on to NEPHRITIS, the causes, effects and remedy....
STREPTOCOCCUS infection in the throat l, ears, nose or elsewhere. The poison produced by the germs when cartied by blood to the kidneys damage thr glomeruli.
1.) Glomeruli become inflamed causing them to be more permeable than normal.
2.) Puffiness in the face
3.) Watery swellings in the feet and ankles. This condition is known as oedema.
4.) Kidney becomes swollen
5.) Dizziness, fatigue, high blood pressure convulsion, back pains, headache, fever and vomiting may result.
6.) Proteins and blood cells pass into the urine.
1.) All food itmes must be properly washed or well cooked.
2.) Drinking water must be properly boiled and filtered.
3.) Dialysis machine ( artifiacial kidney ) for filtering out waste frok patients blood and body fluid...