There is a rescue action on nanga parbat

in life •  7 years ago 

Trwa akcja ratunkowa Elisabeth Revol i Tomasza Mackiewicz. Four-man team (Denis Urubko, Adam Bielecki, Jarosław Botor, Piotr Tomala). They have to overcome 2.3 km. They are climbing in the dark . It's a battle against time because snow storms are approaching. Maciek is in very poor condition he has severe frostbite and snow blindness. Half an hour ago they arrived to Eli. We keep our fingers crossed for the boys. 17ba779e-bee8-468b-aa3c-b1e73b1d63e2.jpgnanga-parbat.jpg

- GPS of rescue team. PjLktkpTURBXy81ZDJmNGJiNTYzZDcwMDRkMTg0YjJlYmZhNDQ2MTgyNi5qcGeSlQMAX80Kms0F9pMFzQMUzQG8.jpg

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very lovely mountain @red434