3 Mental Commercials That Will Keep You on a Success Track

in life •  2 years ago 

If you're struggling with mental health, you're not alone. One of the best ways to find help is to talk with a mental health professional. Many people feel ashamed of their mental health problems, but there are ways to talk to a mental health expert. Mental health professionals can offer support, resources, and tools to help individuals overcome their issues.


JanSport has begun a new campaign that aims to promote mental health in young people. The initiative, which began in May, has generated unprecedented engagement from Generation Z. It has developed content geared toward young people on Instagram and has partnered with influencers to spread the message. The new commercials are meant to be educational and inspiring, as well as encourage youth to be positive.

The new campaign follows on from a previous cause-driven effort that helped raise awareness about a charity that helps students affected by the Zika virus. The campaign used social media to spread the word, and involved a TikTok hashtag challenge for users to upload videos of themselves emptying their backpacks. In addition to this, JanSport also planned to donate 10,000 backpacks to the World Central Kitchen, a nonprofit that helps people living in poverty and hunger. While this campaign may be geared towards the younger generation, it reflects a trend of brands like Chipotle that are trying to connect with a broader audience.

Time to Change
The Time to Change campaign aims to change the way people talk about mental health and promote change. To achieve this goal, it uses a combination of traditional advertising and bespoke content. The campaign is being delivered in partnership with Channel 4 and IPC Media. A 30-second advert will run on Channel 4 for two weeks and will appear across various other television channels. In addition, IPC and Time to Change will collaborate to create exclusive features and content.

The Time to Change campaign is an excellent tool for anyone looking to fight discrimination. It provides resources for anti-discrimination campaigns, tips on how to interact with the media, and personal action packs. The organisation also makes use of social media to promote awareness and drive advocacy. They also use interactive applications and content to engage people with the campaign's messages.

JanSport's LightenTheLoad
The new JanSport LightenTheLoad campaign aims to engage Generation Z in a conversation about mental health. The brand has created regular Instagram TV sessions where young people can join in a live conversation with mental health experts. It has also partnered with five high school podcasters to create an exclusive series on the challenges young people will face in the year 2021. By addressing these issues in an honest and open way, the brand is making a strong statement in support of its cause.

According to JanSport's research, nearly half of Gen Z feel that they can manage their stress, but three out of 10 feel anxious or stressed almost every day. These findings have led to JanSport to double down on its LightenTheLoad campaign by teaming up with the Teenager Therapy podcast, which is aimed at addressing the mental health needs of Gen Z.

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