Your Mind - Your Most Powerful Healer

in life •  4 years ago 

You might be surprised at the truth about your mind and what it can do for you. Your mind is the single most powerful tool you have at your disposal to heal yourself from any addiction. It is like a super computer that never stops running. All of the information, emotions, and physical feelings stored in your mind are like a cargo hold for whatever situation you may be in.

When you tap into this incredible power you tap into your inner wisdom. You learn to control your mind and use it in ways you never thought possible. The true power of your mind can change your life. And this happens every single day. Your mind is like an ocean that is always ready to receive and give.

The first step in using your power of brain to heal is to accept the truth about yourself. Look deeply into your past and discover all the little pieces of yourself that have been holding you back. Sometimes these little pieces refer to something in your past. Sometimes they don't. Either way, once you get to know yourself you start to see the connections between all of the parts.

Once you start to connect your past to all of the parts of yourself that you already know, you start to realize what could have been if you had acted differently. For instance, maybe you went to this school instead of that one. Or maybe you didn't quit your job when you needed to. You see, the power of your mind can actually create your destiny.

This doesn't mean you will be able to change other people's behavior or personalities, though. What it does mean is that your mind has the power to become the manifestation of all those behaviors and personalities. Your mind can be a loving Goddess that offers infinite happiness. Or it can be a calculating demon that seeks to do you harm. Your mind has the power to make you a loving Goddess or an evil demon. It all depends on how you use it.

When you want to use your mind - your most powerful healer - to help someone else to overcome a harmful thought or behavior, you first have to recognize that thought or behavior for what it is. The problem doesn't lie in the "what" it is - it lies in the "why." So, for instance, if you want to change the way you act around women you simply tell yourself that you are not attracted to them. The truth is you are attracted to them, but you need to take a closer look at the situation. Why are you being attracted to them?

There is always an underlying reason why something is done or not done. You just have to look deeper into that reason in order to act. When you do that, however, you see that what you thought was a physical attraction is really an emotional attraction. So, you see that you can change your behavior by changing your feelings about things. In fact, this is one of the easiest ways to heal yourself.

Once you understand that the reason you feel as though you are attracting negative thoughts into your life is because those thoughts are true. The more you understand this, the easier it will be for you to turn these thoughts around and start attracting the good things into your life. It is also true that you can change your behavior by changing your thoughts. So, when you want to use your mind - your most powerful healer - to help another person you simply remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing. And then, when you see the actions in question, you can change your actions in harmony with your thought - making it easier to attract the positive things into your life.

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