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i'm single. I would like to be a father :) damn Tinter is not helping. lol having to much fun.

Fathers and Men is the key, we are the foundation of the family. When the man is not right the family is not right and when the family is not right the community is not right and so on. Its a viscious cycle!!!

So true. @ironshield

Growing up without a father but with a strong mum, i can relate.

BUT believe me moms are just as important! And for me my grandmom and her did a perfect job. I couldn't have grown up better.
In my opinion a father often holds you from going to far, or pushes you to go further for it when it makes sense. From my experience life will put you back in place with or without a father in the end :)
Stay Confident no matter what! You're worthy.

So keep your heads up and think about what you have.. not what you're missing!

i and my two brothers were raised by a single mother at a time when it was expected for her to get remarried (since she was a widow). i can proudly say we all turned out okay due to her diligence, perseverance and the times we lived in - i'm not sure she would have done so well today where it takes two incomes to make ends met

Father can't be replaced by anyone. My father is my idol, my inspiration and everything else. The person I'm today is only because of my father. Everything in the picture above is so true. My dad has done so much for me; I can never pay him back in any form. My dad stays away from home for his work. And he his coming tomorrow after six months and I can't wait to see him. <3

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

It's also a reflection of what the society did did NOT do to such children. The fatherless part of the stat alone won't count; what counts will be what the rest of the other parameters (esp. society) did to make up for this loss.

Sadly today's world is incites the Machiavellian fiend inside everyone. We should strive to improve what is within our bounds and maybe this infographic will no longer be needed anymore!

I know the value of father because my father died 5 years ago :'(


its heavenly.

I grew up in a fatherless home. Abuse from my mother's boyfriends and older siblings were commonplace. No worries, though. I ended up fine. I think.

it's the difference between universal and general. There are outliers, always. Im sorry for what you went through

No one can replace a father . Love you dad wherever you are right now

Thank you. Yes, fathers your contribution to a happy family and child upbringing is paramount. You cant trade it for other less important things.

Interesting piece @redpill
Very informative.
Thanks for sharing and Please do stay in touch

Following you!

I agree with everything you've got here. After I lost touch with my Dad (we didn't fall out or anything, he just moved really far away) my life definitely went downhill. It was only when I got older and realised how important he was that I started doing everything I could to please him. I desperately wanted him to be proud of me. I got a job at a posh insurance company. My husband (then boyf) got a job in defense. He called me after I got my job and told me that I had proved him wrong and that he was glad of it. Glad that I had grown past his expectations. He died three years ago, two months before I got married. Saying goodbye to him was the hardest thing I've ever done. I couldn't imagine where I would be today if it wasn't for him.

Cool infographic! :)

Interesting thank you. Try to see mine page maybe will be interesting for you :)

sobering statistics - are other 'western' countries showing similar trends or is this unique to the american lifestyle? are we sick to the core?

nice work man. If you want you can visit my blog also

I'm totally a @redpill kind of person. Following. @ironshield