Jaundice: a yellow panic history

in life •  6 years ago 

In our body cells oxygen is transmitted to the cell and in the metabolic process, carbon dioxide is brought back to the lungs, it is employed in a very important task, about 25 trillion red blood cells in the blood. But they do work to become old once and become fragile. It is found that the average life expectancy of a red blood cell is 120 days. So what happens next?

Red blood cells break down during the lifetime of his liver and pliha after spending his full lifetime. Then red blood cells were solved in its structural material. Red blood cells are first formed in two parts, glaciers and globin. Globin is a type of protein, which becomes amino acid in the catabolism process.

source Bilirubin is made of broken red blood cells
All the protein structures are amino acids. After several amino acids mixed together, several proteins are produced. The use of globin emino acid is to re-use our body to make new proteins in the re-cycling process.

The rest remained frost It is divided into two parts - one iron and the other is biliverdine. Iron roams around the blood plasma until a protein named Transferin is hugging him. Then it reaches the bones, then they are again used to make red blood cells.
On the other hand, Bleiverdin is not particularly useful for the body, so it is possible to get him out of the body next goal. But biliverdine is insoluble in water. So it was a great difficulty to get him out of the body. Bleiverdine is first converted into bilirubine in chemical reaction. It is also insoluble in water. Now to get out of the body, it should be soluble in water by any means. There is a way for this - this bilirubin should be linked to glycuronic acid in the liver! Then in the castle!

But that's why it must reach the liver! For this purpose, the bilirubin albumin reaches the neck of a protein called the liver or liver. Well, the proteins contained in the white part of chicken egg, but this albumin. Again this is more than half of our blood plasma or plasma protein proteins.
However, the bilirubin in the liver becomes interacted with glycuronic acid and becomes diagonal. Then it is stored in the gallbladder as a component of bile. At the end the gut is open This bilirubin is extracted out of the body through the intestinal tract.

Frankly, this bilirubine is responsible for the color of our mall. Of course, his name is not Bilirubin, his name is Starcobilin. Similarly, some bilirubin is absorbed from the intestine and the kidneys come out of the body through the urine. His name is Urobilin.

source The hands of the child with jaundice
But in some cases Bilirubin can not go out of body as well. Then there was trouble in trouble. These are then stored under the skin, the keratin section, such as eye-skulls, feet, and palms. The colors of these places became yellowish. We call jaundice this condition of the body.

But jaundice itself is not as horrible as the disease itself, it is horrific to hide the reasons behind it. Jaundice actually reveals the symptoms of the disease. Let us be warned that there is some noise in the body. In most cases, the noise is related to the liver. Besides, jaundice may also be the result of other problems.
After drinking alcohol for a long time, gradually becomes liver cirrhosis, then the liver lost its normal structure. As a result, liver cells can not convert the biliverdin to diyglucorna in normal process.
In some cases, red blood cells break down before the appointed time. Then increased blood extra bilirubin increased. This is seen in diseases caused by parasites such as malaria, kala-azar etc. There are also some genetic disorders related to red blood cells such as sickle cell anemia, spherocytosis, thalassemia, pyruvate kinase deficiency, and glucose 6-phosphatease dehydrogenase (Glucose 6-phosphatase dehydrogenase). This could be due to the lack of enzymes called. If the bilirubin stored in the gallstones can not reach the intestine then there may also be jaundice.

source Junkies may be deposited in the gallbladde
The gastrointestinal tract is found in the gut by mixing with the pancreatic tract. If for some reason the stones, pancreatic cancer or infection are in the pellet, then this tube can be closed. Then the bitters can not get out of the body. If there is too much infection of the spine in the stomach, it can also be seen that the spleen is in some way in the cylindolite! In this case, the bile can not be exposed to the gland, so jaundice is created.
In jaundice, the urine becomes dark in color as the yellow color becomes yellow. Apart from this, due to hunger, nausea, fever due to shivering, pain in mild to severe stomachs. On the other hand, extra bilirubin deposits in our body can have a fatal effect. When deposited under the skin it causes terrible itching. In addition, it can also be accumulated in the brain when it reaches the brain and can cause the brain to suffer terribly. Young people are more at risk of such losses.

It is good to say that when a newborn is born, there may be one kind of jaundice. Usually this jaundice occurs on the second or third day of birth and the fifth day is the most. But there is nothing to worry about. Usually it is rediscovered on the fourteenth day.

source Newborn jaundice
When jaundice is attacked, the patient is more curious than the treatment of the patient, the curiosity is more than the food. Many times, the patient makes the patient tease, so that the patient will not eat or drink. The patient himself is confused. And when the expert goes to consult the doctor, his confusion increases further. Because in most cases it is contradictory with conventional beliefs.

If jaundice is usually to drink more water to the patient. Frequent sugarcane juices, drink caffeine drinks. People feel that the color of urine is somewhat lighter, the patient is benefitting! This is a completely wrong method. Due to drinking excessive water, urine is frequent, so it shows in fad. But actually the amount of bilirubin does not decrease. On the other hand, because of drinking water, kidney problem can be up to. So it is better to drink the normal water.
Viral hepatitis is the most important for the rest of the patient. In these cases, the patient is completely cleared within 3-4 weeks. In our country, we hear the stories of fakir-kabiraj success in the treatment of jaundice, its foundation is that. Of course, complexity is sometimes made. For other reasons, jaundice can be treated by a specialist doctor. So jaundice if a specialist doctor is the best to show.

In most of our countries, jaundice spreads through hepatitis viruses. Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis D virus spread through blood and unsafe sexual intercourse. So it is essential to check screening during the operation of blood.
On the other hand hepatitis A and Hepatitis E spread through food and water. The main carrier of street, furka, sugarcane juice etc. is its main carrier.

So, in front of the front of the street in front of the fuchsala shop, while biting your eyes while foaming, you will not think that you are inviting a terrible virus instead of a furrow.

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