RE: Hack Your Weight Loss

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Hack Your Weight Loss

in life •  9 years ago  (edited)

Calories in vs calories out is the MAIN deciding factor of if/when you add or lose weight, aswell as activity levels.

Losing weight is way too freaking hard!

No it isn't. It's people not understanding what actually makes up losing or gaining weight and "self-proclaimed" experts like yourself giving misinformation.

Stupid popular diets

These diets do work, the problem is that they cut your calorie intake too low for a sustainable lifestyle (and your weight) or cut out nutrients like carbs (check Atkins diet) which causes your body to hit a fail-safe mechanism when you starting eating "normal" again ("it's been a while since they fed me carbs let me save these into fat, just incase we don't get anymore"). Then you start eating more calories than you did and boom back to the norm.

Small changes Overtime makes all the difference in the world

This is true but you can eat the same food in smaller portions or change the recipe slightly to hit the same effect without needing to change your whole meal prep. Cut out the extra sauce, extra olive oil, eat slightly less, pick a leaner meat etc etc.

Starving yourself is never the way to go with weight loss.

Yes and no. You have to feel semi-full but not stuffed. If you feel full or stuffed it's probably because your stomach hasn't adapted yet (become smaller). The bigger your stomach is (especially at the start) the harder you will get full and the only way to counter this is to eat slightly less. You can't have a 100kg persons stomach and a 60kg persons body.

The body will quickly confuse signals, You'll think you are hungry when you are actually thirsty.

By the time you have had your 3rd urination after sleeping (~6hr+) your urine should be a pale yellow towards a clear whitish colour. That means you are hydrated enough. The body is either hydrated or dehydrated there's no mix signals or confusions with food intake.

A sufficient intake of water will assist in burning unnecessary calories.

No it won't, drinking more water is not a "magic elixir" to losing weight. See my point above about calories in vs calories out.

When enough fiber is consumed, the amount of weight that is shed increases quite a bit.

Nope, fiber has no immediate effect on fat-loss. It can make you "feel" full and go to the toilet. There's also a few health benefits but I dont want to make this comment any longer. Eating more just means you'll get fatter if your calorie intake is higher than what you need to function.

One way to get extra fiber is through Supplements

The supplementary business is one of the biggest scams.

Protein will help you lose weight.

No it wont, if your eating over your "lose weight" calorie intake you will gain weight no matter what.

Source :
My Degree in Physical Education and Sport Science 2004-2008 (Aristotle University Thessaloniki Greece)
Working with and in related fields with Dietitians for Track and field performance athlete diets.

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Exactly. This post is pure opinion and should be labelled as such. If it isn't labelled as an opinion post it should to be backed up by scientific evidence.

It's clearly my opinion if I'm posting it. I don't need to "specify"
People can choose to listen my advice or not, It's their own free will.

It's not clearly anything. It's complete misinformation - what you call advice.

Does it not bother you that someone might follow your advice and end up in a worse position? Why not take the time to research a topic and give out advice supported by evidence.

Great, you did research. What's wrong with referencing what you found?

No, some information will be backed up in these blogs.

If I was to write that again I would have it sound more like a suggestion to improving a post rather than all posts need to be labelled.

I still think (my opinion) health and diet-related posts should be taken with much more care than this though.

My advice is not misinformation. Ive lost a lot of weight following this, Besides people need to be smart enough to know that this is a BLOGGING platform. ALL INFORMATION should be taken with a grain of salt. I did research my topic. But that is simply your opinion. and I'm done listening to it.

It is also people's free will to comment and critique constructively as such. As an author who have many trending posts on front page for reason we obviously know why, let's get real and perhaps you can re-think on what kind of content you will post in future.

@freedompains why did you downvote my reply since i have the same opinion as you on our real expertise? I am confused.

I jumped the gun thinking that it would prove nothing and downvoted. Proof of qualification still wouldn't prove any of the claims.

But I am starting to see the point of being honest about where the information is coming from and if that is from your studies this does add something to the topic of course.

I do agree that your comment adds to this. I can't unvote because I have no weight a message tells me. That was my fault, sorry.

I just figured out I don't have to reverse the downvote, I can upvote and it does change.