Natural Recipe n°1 : Faster Tan

in life •  8 years ago 

Hello, everyone !


Grand mothers always know useful tricks to millions of differents situations. Health, beauty, cooking, gardening, … So I decided to share, in a series of advices, natural recipes and remedies of everyday life occasions.

Today I will share with you a simple little recipe to use to tan faster.

Recipe :

Mix 250 ml of olive oil (organic preferably) with the juice of 2 freshly pressed lemons (organic as well, of course). With that mixture, rub your skin gently before going outside. You will tan faster without causing damages to your skin.

olive oil.JPG

!!! Remember to not stay too long under the sun. Use this trick without exagerating, especially if you have a sensitive skin type, and always moisture your skin after a sun exposure.

Thanks for reading this little article. More natural recipes will come soon.

Peace to all of you !

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