Be The Purple Cow - Digital Entrepreneur's Success #21

in life •  6 years ago 

Since when cows are purple?

And that is exactly the point!

If you want to settle for average, then continue being an average cow.

However, if you want to be that unique one who seems to always be successful, you gotta step up the game and be a purple cow!

Purple Cow.png

Well, I'm not the one who came out with that analogy of a purple cow, but Seth Godin in his book, The Purple Cow.

Our society has conditioned us to always be average, asked us to play it safe, asked us to not be "high" profile.

Well, that's the main reason so many people are being just average...

...and actually happy with it!

They believe that it is best to be average and because of that, they have already found all sorts of excuses to validate why it is best to be average.

Thus, they live the lifestyle of the average...

Living from paycheck to paycheck...

Paying their mortgage the whole life...

Not having enough money to send their children for the best education...

Not being able to travel as much as they want to...

And it's all because they have chose to settle for "being average".

If you are an entrepreneur, sure, modelling somebody's success is a smart move.

However, if you are going to keep doing that, chances are, you will never be able to catch up with the person whom you are modelling.

At the end of the day, you can never be the best.


The only way for you to catch up to the game is to have your own purple cow.

Your own "This is so outrageously fantastic no one else have this" approach.

You need to be known for something and some brand or influence attached to you.

For example, when it comes to sales, Grant Cardone wants the whole world to think of him as well as his Cardone University when it comes to sales!

When it comes to E-Commerce, Jack Ma is the king.

When it comes to computers, Microsoft and Apple has dominated the market.

All of them had did something during their time to be "THAT" purple cow.

And it has all worked out well for them.

Don't have your purple cow yet?

No worries.

Everybody started from scratch too.

And the purple cow developed over time.

But whatever you do in life, you need to always be searching for that purple cow.

And freedom will come to you.

~Freedom is only a step away~

Jin Kit


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Great post thank you for sharing this with us :)

Glad you like it. Will be posting more so keep a look out for it ;)

Oh sure no worries..