Telegram Followers – The New Metric for Cryptocurrency Success

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Cryptocurrencies are gauged by the size of their market cap. It’s a crude reckoner, but it’s good enough for most purposes. But what about projects that have yet to issue their coins or host their token sale? Increasingly, investors are turning to one metric that’s hard to fake and indicative of widespread support – Telegram followers.

Telegram has long been the playground of crypto traders and enthusiasts. The great migration began sometime last summer, after ICO teams tired of running Slack channels that were filled with spam and spoofing. As a side effect of The Grammening, Telegram channel numbers became a useful metric for gauging a project’s support. Twitter followers can be bought, and no one in crypto uses Facebook, creating the perfect storm for Telegram to rise to the top.

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