Wandering Thoughts 80 / Turning Vegetarian

in life •  7 years ago 


I love meat. I like the taste, consistency, smell, those overcooked yet caramelized bits of crunchy skin. Just by describing it, I feel my mouth watering.

Yet, I feel like I should stop eating it. This feeling became more intense ever since I got myself a vegetarian girlfriend. It's not that she guilt trips me into eating tofu. I think it's more because I got to see how someone lives without meat.

And you ask: "Why do you feel you should stop eating meat in the first place?"

There are tons of reasons to stop eating meat ranging from ethical reasons all the way to practical reasons. Mine are between environmental and health-related.

I have nothing against killing animals for the sake of feeding people. The problem is how animals are raised to keep up with the high demand, resulting in sick meat ready to serve to soon to be sick people.

So I think my problem is not with the act of having meat. It's more about the quality. If I know the meat is fresh and lived a healthy life, I take it!

Like everything, I think for me the answer lies in the middle. Instead of labeling myself as a vegetarian, I will keep it flexible. Lower my overall meat intake and when I eventually eat it, it has to be from a trusted source.

Now the question is: Whom to trust?

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