Wandering Thoughts 83 / The Secret of My Productivity

in life •  7 years ago 


I'm far from my performance peak. It might appear that I'm productive most of the times but I still waste a lot of time.

Therefore I am passioned about productivity tools, methods, and experiments which allow me to learn about myself and how others managed to produce more with the same 24hrs everyone has.

During this process, I realized how I can trick myself into working on the things that matter. Because they are quite broad, I hope they are applicable to almost everyone reading this. Planning and urgency.

I'm naturally a messy person. Not only with my desk but also in my head. Like most people, I usually have tons of ideas and thoughts but I'm very bad at keeping a mental picture of them. So, I need to plan. And it doesn't have to involved plotting a master plan for the next 10 years. It can simply be writing down the most important to-dos for the next day.

To complement planning, there's urgency. Some to-dos already have this sense of urgency, like hard deadlines and those I seem to not have an issue with. My issue is the to-dos set by me, for me. But if I create artificial urgency around these types of to-dos, they get done. Like the Wandering Thoughts.

If I had to write a text every day without having to commit to a daily upload, almost none of these would exist.

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