in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

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I have clearly understood that the problem that many people have in not seeing good days in their lives is not to restrain their language from speaking badly. People who have not taken the slightest care when it comes to pronouncing words. There are some who do not even realize the negative consequences that the kind of words they say and the harm they do to other people with what they say bring for their lives. Wrote King Solomon in his book of proverbs: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" Proverbs 18:21

I came to the conclusion, after this biblical text, that the words I speak with my language play a very important and determining role for my future. Note that this last text of the son of David says that death and life are directly related to the words we speak with the tongue. Therefore, it is up to us to determine what kind of words we speak. We can decide to pronounce words of death, illness, poverty or decide to speak words of life, health and prosperity.

Unfortunately today there are countless people who continually fall into the error of confessing words of curse and do not realize that with such statements are bringing misfortunes for their lives. Now, someone could say that in his vocabulary there are no such words, however, I think that is a product of the bad concept of the word curse. If we study this term we will see that cursing comes from the Greek kakologeo which means to speak badly; kako, badly; lego, talk. So, cursing is simply confessing or talking badly. Now, the opposite of this word curse is blessing, and the latter comes from the Greek eulogia which means to speak well; eu, good; lego, talk. It is from this Greek word that the term praise is derived, that is, you praise when you speak well.

To notice how there are lives that tend to speak badly, we see "innocent" curses that many speak without realizing it. For example, when someone for any reason does not remember an issue and says: "It is that my mind does not help me at all", there this person has incurred words of curse, he cursed against his brain without realizing. Another example could be when anyone confesses: "I will never live without problems, because I leave one and enter another." There has also fallen into a bad talk. And what about this: "This boy is bad blood." If you have noticed this word "bad blood" is bad blood, and I once heard that a mother insistently confessed that to her son, producing time later Leukemia, that is blood cancer, which of course this disease caused death of his son. Unquestionably how dangerous are the words of curse
A final example could be a mother or a father saying to his son "Brute boy, you are useless". Are you familiar with that type of confession? You may think that yes and that on several occasions they told you that type of CURSE. Now, this is just four small examples, but the list of curse words might not end. That is why around us we get countless people whose lifestyles are half-hearted. Beings that have not been able to go back to the heights of excellence because of the type of curses (bad speech) that come out of their mouth or that they have confessed and tied for years.

I have thought very carefully about talking about people and I have come to the conclusion that there are many people who give little or no importance to this topic of confessions. I have observed that there is a strong and profound ignorance of the effects of spoken words. We must understand very clearly that the words we say every day are not blown away by the wind, as some mistakenly believe, it is those words that precisely determine our lifestyle in the present and in the future.

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You can't create curses for yourself based on your self-talk. There are no such things as curses created by men.

No, the words you speak don't create success or prosperity for you.

The most important thing in your life is your relationship to God.

@barncat If you read the Bible in depth you will find that there is a powerful principle in the words we confess