I made over $5,000 at the casino this past weekend. Life of a professional gambler!

in life •  7 years ago 

So a bit about me, I'm currently gambling for a living. I know this sounds crazy, as gambling usually leads to people losing, but I've been doing it for 6 months now and it's been very profitable for me.

My system is a bit complicated, but basically boils down to the fact that casinos will give you free chips or vouchers to play with if they think you'll come and lose more than the free amount they are giving you. I have a system in which I make it seem like I am gambling for much more than I actually am, and this leads the casinos to send me very generous free offers.

This month, one casino is giving me $2800 in free chips, another is giving me $1500, another is giving me $900, another is giving me $220, another is giving me $450, and so on. I am also invited to free gambling tournaments, which I find very boring but which pay out good money. Part of my profit this past weekend was winning $300 in a slot tournament.

There are also other perks like free meals, show tickets, rooms, and so on. Last month I actually received over $2000 in gift cards from the casinos as well through different offers, which was awesome for holiday shopping!

One of the main keys is that I maintain relationships with 15+ casinos in the area, so I get a wide variety of offers. I take all of the offers I receive and put them into a spreadsheet of what offers apply to what days of the month. Then I book free rooms for a couple of weekends and go earn what I can!

Another key to my system is that I bring very little of my own money to gamble with. On this trip I only brought along $300, but using the profits I made I was able to buy in at my last casino for $5000 and look like I was really betting big, when in reality I only risked a few hundred dollars there (and actually ended up winning a bit). The few hundred dollars I risked will earn me plenty more in rewards in the future!

One extra perk, the area where I do my gambling is Lake Tahoe/Reno, which is extremely beautiful as you can see in this picture I took there.


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Sounds like you found a pretty nice way to make a living :) Good luck to you! Truth is, right now we are all gambling like crazy too with cryptos!

Haha, that's true for sure. Getting into the insanity of crypto trading was natural to me since I already traded the stock market along with gambling! Life is a gamble in the end.

Wow! That's a way to hack the system and it sounds easy as you explain it. Nice job! Hehe

Jealous!! Glad you had a good time. :)