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wow I was expected something dull and to parrot the buzzwords of new AI public knowledge but your writing style and presentation is so much different I don't even know how to react. I had some thought coming in about quantum AI though, where optimization problems are the main thing quantum computing solves infinitely faster than normal computers than can take eternity to do certain ones, it means something boring but also if you look around in real life almost everything can be broken down into some type of optimization problem we are constantly doing - but we suck at it lol... so hopefully we get a major grasp on AI long before D-wave amps up their ballgame. anyway I'm deviating from your post sorry ^_^


Agree wholeheartedly about the "Illuminati" "NWO" distraction. There is nothing luminous about people with more money than they know what to do with who are actively consolidating power and destroying lives through war, pharma and synthetic food.

On the other hand, activation of 'dormant powers' seems sketchy.

The ancients, who obviously knew something we don't, (they knew something about particle physic just by examining the Waking, Sleep and Deep Sleep states - where as we have to look through an electron microscope in order to see and corroborate what they intuited 10, 000 + years ago), they warned about the acquisition of "powers" human or otherwise.

Powers are viewed as impediments that actually stifle progress. Powers are a natural occurrence, an effluvium as it were, that offers itself to spiritual aspirants.

The portrayal of Siddhartha under the Bo Tree is an illustration of enlightenment vs power; as he meditates, he accosted by the temptation of the illusion of power.

He achieves enlightenment by forgoing the desire for power....

I'm short on time to elucidate.


Vortex math, once you start, you just can't stop.

Nice read. Many questions. What part did sacred geometry play in your personal evolution? Inquiring minds want to know.

sacred geometry is sort of like the language of creation - sets of Laws governing the architecture of reality - through which I became more deeply able to understand the dynamics of mind, memory, and the universe.

the further I went, the more power I gained over my own control panel for the human mind and body by learning how to work with it based on its innate governing mechanisms.

at some point, it's like Neo in the matrix - being able to see through all the coding.

it's all one big machine/system. sacred geometry is kind of like the programming language. learn it thoroughly, and from there, you gain access to deeper levels of control to program your own evolution...

Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it. Any source you could point me to?

unfortunately not.

I got in during a brief window of opportunity. if you're interested though, follow me for future posts as I'll be continually announcing some pretty kick-ass related stuff as it gets released...

Got it.

Wow, this is some deep thought! I love the specifics about human evolution and how we're constantly changing and gaining new abilities. I'm also interested to see how the blockchain changes how we interact with the world and the new reality to come! It's not science fiction, it's what we do everyday.

thanks for good posting ... voted and followed...^^

Salute you
Highly intellectually written Article ever read
Completed all 3 parts

Wow. These are great posts that you are creating @rok-sivante. Kudos!

Very great work so far!

New World Order? Yes! Our order, what we choose to create through our thoughts and actions rather than what is chosen for us.

Illuminati (The enlightened ones)? Absolutely. You, me, that guy (Scruffy votes his 10,000 shares for that guy). We are all the Illuminati that bring about greater compassion and power to create the New World Order.

Welcome to the Rabbit Hole, there really is a Wonderland down here ...


the timing of your article in my life is.......perfect :)

This is awesome stuff. You are one of the first people I followed!

Can you explain more on the interaction between vibrational energy and DNA?

Looking forward to your future posts.

I haven't dove deep into the sciences of this particular subject, though would suggest getting into stuff like Bruce Lipton's "Biology Of Belief" and some epigenetics if you are interested - as am pretty sure that's the main field that's looking at the subject.

In regards to what I grazed on - essentially, DNA is a transmitter/receiver.

And in the larger context, there is an energy conversion circuit in the body/brain to extract out vibration through the system - which runs from the vibration into the DNA, signals the cells to make proteins which then send signals up through the nervous system to the pineal gland - through beta in the hypothalmus - alpha in limbic - theta in frontal lobe - zeta in cerebellum (kind of like gamma running in reverse, closing the circuit of the inside of the quartex - a whole other topic) - back to pineal gland - out the brain stem through the nervous system - into muscle filaments - compressing back down into cells, proteins, and finally reencoded in DNA.

(to the best of my understanding.)

Wow. That's amazing. It's insane how the human body works so efficiently (at least when it's healthy).

Thank you for your response.

great writing - insights coming from all directions -i am following you now -D